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Genre paper: Greek tragedy. The Works of Euripides

Essay Instructions:

genre paper: Greek tragedy

write a critical essay on Greek tragedy. You are to focus on one

author from the genre (Greek tragedy). Your essay

should not be a biography but rather a critical analysis of a genre through the work(s) of one author.

You should address questions such as these in your paper:

What works did the author compose and what were the main subjects/themes?

How would you describe the literary style of the author?

What was the author’s purpose in writing, and who was the intended audience?

How does this author compare with his/her contemporaries in that genre?

How was this author received at the time and since then?

attached is a list of authors from different genres, in this case, you are focusing on Greek tragedy, so pick one author from tragedy and write an essay according to the instructions above

Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Works of Euripides
The Works of Euripides
Euripides ranks among the greatest Greek dramatists alongside Aeschylus and Sophocles. He is well known for going beyond his contemporaries by introducing dramatic innovations in content form and characterization. Many refer to him as the philosopher among poets as he integrated a skeptical view of traditional religion with realistic characterization. The realistic impression of characters and his treatment the most violent passion are the hallmarks of his tragedies that influenced the direction of European drama.
Euripides was born in 484 B.C in Salamis and died in 406 in Macedonia, and his works included eighty-eight plays, eighteen tragedies and one satiric play (Bell and Sons, 1907). Euripides plays showed how he deviated from the orthodoxies of Aeschylus and Socrates regarding style, form, and characterization. Euripides plays have a prologue, elaborate choral odes and epilogue (the deus ex machina) (Bell and Sons, 1907). How Euripides treated gods in his plays reflected the fifth-century criticism. He put into question the traditional religion and morality and was critical of contemporary society; making others suggest that Creon charged him with blasphemy.
Euripides wrote most of his plays at the time of Peloponnesian War, and the horrors of the war seemed to affect him more than his contemporaries; tragedy was a common theme in most of his plays. In his view of the world, human tragedy affects everyone and not just the nobles. For example, in Trojan Women a play written shortly after the Athenians conquered Melos, Euripides showed the suffering of women inflicted by soldiers following their husbands’ death in the war. Melos was neutral to during the war, and Euripides used the play to show his opposition to...
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