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Food Preference Identifies Identity

Essay Instructions:

Read: Slant 1

Read: Primary Research (https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/conducting_research/conducting_primary_research/index.html). As you read this, start to plan out ways to incorporate primary evidence into your essay.

Do: Trial Theses with Supported Bys (Use Slant1)

Read: Slant 2

Do: Outline

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food Preference Identifies Identity
[date]Slant 1
Food Preference Identifies Identity
Although food variations can be found anywhere in the world whether it is local or adopted; that people are liking food regardless of their roots and preferences; those food varieties these days are being adopted and reformulated from culture to culture,

food variation identifies the individual’s culture and personality by looking at the general preferences and food knowledge they have at present; these can imply their environment and upbringing which may say a lot about their backgrounds, thus, their identity.

Supported by the different cultural identities like traditional food, sacred, food, not-eaten food, and national food that say something about a person’s local environment and cultural nativity.

Supported by different personal identity in food like national food, favorite food, regular food, and least favorite food that suggests the person’s personal preferences on many things.
Slant 2
Food Preference Identifies Identity
Opposition:Food variations of cultures are now being adopted by other cultures and sometimes being mixed to their local food
Supported byyou might assume a western person Asian just because he eats rice when he just found about it. The same goes for personal identity; one may assume someone’s sweet tooth when once seen savoring a cake happily although the person just ate sweets rarely.
Slant:Food variation identifies the individual’s culture and personality through his food choices and picks as a whole.
Supported bycultural food identity is evident in the formula and origin of the fo...
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