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Short Essay: Meaning of Life (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment is to write a 2 page paper (double-spaced, 1" margins, 12-point font) in response to the following question:

"This week you watched a video (https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/robert_waldinger_what_makes_a_good_life_lessons_from_the_longest_study_on_happiness#t-32430)) about a study conducted at Harvard University into the question of what makes for a happy and meaningful life. What were the researchers’ findings and does the Epic of Gilgamesh suggest a similar understanding of a 'good life'? When writing your essay, consider how Gilgamesh sees himself in relation to others at the start of the poem – and if that changes in any meaningful way by the poem’s end.”


1) Your argument must be clearly stated in the essay's opening paragraph (= thesis statement). The rest of the paper will be devoted to expanding upon and proving your argument.

2) You must include in your essay some key quotations from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Remember: the quotes are your argument's evidence. Ideally, your essay should be a balance of your own words and some quotes from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

3) Break your essay into paragraphs. Keep in mind that one paragraph = one major idea. Every key point should have its own paragraph. Avoid extremely long paragraphs: a full page is too long. (On the other hand, two sentences is too short to be a paragraph.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short Essay: Meaning of Life
Student’s Name
Short Essay: Meaning of Life
The search for a happy and meaningful life has been part of humanity for years. The study conducted at Harvard University for about 15 years proves that human beings are constantly trying to determine what makes or counts as a good life. In the study, the researchers revealed that good relationships are what make a good life. More importantly, the researchers found out that quality, rather than quantity, of the relationship that a person has is what makes their life happier and meaningful (Waldinger, 2015). Having someone to count on improves the emotional and mental health of a person. The Epic of Gilgamesh also reveals a similar understanding of what makes a happy and meaningful life.
One way in which the Epic of Gilgamesh suggests a similar understanding of a good life as the Harvard research is through the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. This relationship made both characters better people. At the beginning of the poem, it is revealed that Gilgamesh was an oppressive ruler. “By day and by night his tyranny grows harsher…(George, 1999).” The gods sent Enkidu, a wild man, to shift Gilgamesh’s focus from his people and onto Enkidu so that his tyranny could reduce. At the start of the poem, Gilgamesh thinks that glory and fame make a good life. After the death of his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh thinks that immortality is what will make his life good and meaningful. His search for immortality intensifies as he grieves for his friend. He indicates that “Enkidu, whom I loved so deeply….he went to the doom of mortal men (George, 1999).” He seeks immortality so that he does not end up like his friend. Howev...
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