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Functions of Language and the Choice between Nominalist and Relativist

Essay Instructions:


TASK1: Under Assignment you can find 'video quiz' watch the video and react to the video(100 words) only to watch the video please don't finish the quiz. and return it in a separate document

Example reactions(by my classmate):

The man wanted his girlfriend to change the reports she made in order to make him look better. I think part of the reason he felt he could do this is because of the relationship that they have. If they were not in a romantic relationship, he may have felt that it was awkward or inappropriate to ask her to change the reports or to tell her how to do her job. This is because it is not appropriate to be bossy towards coworkers or to tell them how to do their jobs, nor is it appropriate to ask the results to be changed so that you can look better (this if often called "office politics"). But since these people are not at work, but are at home and live together, the man likely felt that he could say things that he normally would not.


TASK2: Finish the Critical Thinking Prompt from 5.1-5.6 including the last Summary part 'What you know' (there are total of 4 Critical Thinking Prompts need to be complete and 4 'What you know' writing need to be complete in Summary part, i will attach pictures so you can find them)

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Video reaction:
The girlfriend of the guy created the reports. However, the guy is displeased with the reports she created. He wanted her to modify the reports and make his image appear better. He felt that he is entitled to do this to his girlfriend because they are committed to the relationship. The situation would have been uncomfortable if they were not involved in a relationship since this is unsuitable to the circumstances. In a work environment, it is inappropriate to boss around colleagues or degrades co-workers about their jobs. Moreover, it is unethical to change the result, especially for personal gains.
1 As a student, which functions of language do you use most frequently? Which do you use most often in your professional life? If you use different functions in each of these roles, why do you think this is true?
As a student, I usually use the creative function. I need to widen my knowledge by using my mind. In this way, I will be able to write and do things according to my preference. This language can help me do these things because I can make my imaginations into reality like writings, drawings/paintings, etc. As a professional, I use Social Functions of Language. This can aid me in conversing and belong in different organizations which I can show off professionally my skill as an individual. One can indeed be properly understood and interpreted if one uses a different functions in each role. Choosing what language to use is vital in communicating because it is not like all people can decode every message; there is always one appropriate language to avoid barriers in communication (Jackson & Stockwell, 2011).
2 Which viewpoint makes more sense to you – nominalist or relativist? Why?
Between nominalist and relativist, I favour the point of a relativist. Nominalist only believes in the existence of particulars; while a relativist believes in both particulars and universals. At some point, relativists can distinguish and classify one subject from another, which makes me believe it has a strong sense of belief. Relativists do not neglect particulars' points, but it gives a more comprehensive understanding by using the universals; existing and non-existing things are being acknowledged either with its group or as itself. Nominalist believes only in particulars, itself. Nominalism does not support far existence view like how relativism does. Although relativists have set norms and standards for universals, it clearers how things are supposed to exist, develop, and function (Rosen, 2001).
3 Think about the labels and terms we have for males and females. Why do you think so many more negative terms exist for females than for males?
Men and women have been living in this world with different perspectives and beliefs, resulting in discrimination. Men are said to be above women back in time, while women used to shrug and did not have enough rights to stand for themselves. Now in the present times, the norms about ...
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