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Tips for online students

Essay Instructions:
Your topic is "Tips for Online Students." The content of the essay will come from the three articles provided to you and from your own personal experience. You are not allowed to use any other sources for this essay. A goal of research writing is to synthesize the research into your own unique approach; you should therefore spend some time thinking of a creative and original way to modify the topic. Specifications for Essay Two For our second essay this semester, you will write a personal research essay of about 2-3 pages. The length should indicate the scope of the assignment to you; you should not write less or more, in order to best meet the assignment criteria. Since this could be a personal essay, you may use first person. If you prefer not to write about personal experiences, you may use third person. However, you must avoid second person narration. Your grading criteria will be the Five Criteria of Effective Writing. Check the Essay Grading Rubric in the Student Guide for specifics. Since this is a research-based essay, you will also be graded for MLA style within the essay. A Works Cited page is not required for this essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: EDUCATION
Tips for online students
(Insert Name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
Traditional college experience is not different from online learning experience. Online learning may have more trouble if one has no knowledge on what he/she is engaging into. These online courses have proved to be of great help to the professionals who are too busy in their work but needs more training and certification to either advance in their careers or change career path. They can also be of great help to the untrained staff who needs to specialize in certain areas. Universities have realized this, and have come up with a product, online courses, that can meet the demand of their clients; they have come up with programs that can be accessed by individual anywhere in the world and at any time of the day. However, before signing up to these courses people needs to understand some help points that I have outlined below as they seek to succeed in these programs.
When the ideas of advancing my career come into my mind, I had two options; go by the traditional way of learning or sign up in an online course. My work was so demanding that I had no time to attend classes physically. I was left with no option other than go by online classes. So, I looked for guys who had finished their online classes and succeed. I asked for guidance from them on what I should do to succeed in my education. One of them said, ‘keep up with the work and never let your self lack behind’. He went ahead and said that I should have self motivation and discipline at all times within the course duration. I should be devoted and dedicated to the courses offered within the campus. The following are some of the main points that I got from him during our discussion that helped me to succeed:
I should pay attention to due dates at all cost; he advised since the deadlines are not negotiable I should make sure that my assignments are handed over within the specified time by the instructor. Only courses that are addressed as self paced can be done within my pace. I followed this strictly.
I should plan ahead; I always prepare early for assignments and even tests. This avoided shock or fear of failing. By planning early, I took the consideration of time management; otherwise, with no time management you can not succeed in anything.
Map out your schedule; I meant sure that I used the course calendar and course assignments page effectively to map out my schedule.
I revisit the course syllabus from time to time, and meant sure I was in close communication with the instructors and build a bond with him or her.
It is important also to address some of the important things before starting your classes. One month before I started many online classes, I made sure that I had addressed these issues...
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