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2 pages/≈550 words
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Essay Instructions:
Please take a moment to reflect and learn about the Constitution. Share with us your thoughts, and in 500 words or more tell us what the constitution symbolizes and means to you.
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Running Head: Constitution
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A Constitution is a legal document of the Supreme law that governs a state, club, company or even a school. These laws are usually a set of principles and rules written down in a single legal document referred to a constitution. A constitution is where forms of government are derived and the freedom and rights of citizens are outlined. The Constitution is interpreted by the Supreme Court in a state. Constitutions are dynamic, that is they can be amended by an act of parliament, which is the law making body in a country. Some the benefits that a constitution brings to the citizens of a country include bringing law and order within a country. Therefore, a Constitution is a fundamental document in a country as it contains extensive bill of rights, and the separation of power.
The constitution spells out the role of the government in offering security and compassion, its advocacy for programs on national education, welfare of the Nation, National social security, national health care, et cetera, and a host of other areas prohibited by the Constitution. Thus, the limited federal system provides opportunities towards unlimited national socialist system, which advocates that every human need within a state is catered for. Most constitutions are established with a purpose of regulating relationship between institutions of high affiliations within a state. This implies that, it is intended to govern relationships that exist between the executive, legislature and the judiciary. In addition to this, it also encompasses the relationship of institutions that are included within these branches.
The constitution is a living document passed from one generation to the other. This implies that each generation must breathe a meaning to it. What seemed to be relevant or immoral in the 19th century may not be immoral in the 20th century though past experiences cannot be ignored. The constitution gives power to the people to make decisions, which are letter amended. On a higher level the constitution clarifies, whether the rights are created is endowed or defined in terms of government. In retrospect, the Constitution serves as the most basic law within the boundaries of a country or territory; hence, all other laws and regulations are derived from the constitution.
Generally, the constitution spells out the bill of rights and freedoms, which are fundamental such as the right to life, freedom of speech and movement. It also gives a clear guideline on how the government’s activities are to be conducted and the creation of checks and balances, separation of power so t...
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