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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Thinking and Language Reflection Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:


Complete the Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet.




Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet





Reflect on your understanding of the relationship between thinking and language.


Answer the following questions in 100-200 words each:

a)      How do individuals acquire and develop language?


b)      How do you personally communicate your thoughts and how did you learn to do so?


c)      Based on your own experiences, what are some symbols (e.g., letters of the alphabet) people use to communicate?


d)     Explain how you think these symbols are related to critical thinking?



The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

a)      Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear.                                                                 

b)      Logic: The answer makes sense.

c)      Answers question: The questions are addressed fully.

d)     Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Thinking and Language Reflection
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Thinking and Language Reflection
* How do individuals acquire and develop language?
People acquire and develop their first languages as early as the infant stage. According to linguists, the sense is acquired from language acquisition carried out in the language's capacity. Children mainly acquire their first language by imitation of their parents as they transition from infancy to childhood. Basic words are mainly associated with the actions and the objects with which they engage daily. Individuals can acquire languages at the age of seven, as different languages are determined with this change. Also, the development of language is associated with the interaction with the parents and the other children. This is to indicate that the language is acquired through the interactions and what is used around them. When individuals learn how to communicate, they tend to transition to increase language skills from their interaction. This will facilitate further developments in language skills hence providing clear communication skills.
* How do you personally communicate your thoughts, and how did you learn to do so?
I communicate my thoughts by internalizing context and framing my thoughts on what I am going to say. Also, I manage to communicate the thoughts through interactions with people and creating a first language approach that is deemed to be associated with the actions. Similarly, the use of symbols makes it easy to transition how best to have the follow-through of creating an expressive and receptive communication skill associated with pictures, images, and signs. This makes it possible to develop the speech and understand how I am going to communicate my thoughts with the person I am talking to. Moreover, I learned to communicate my thoughts by engaging and learning from the adults and associating their actions with the ones I have. This has made me develop a strategic approach to enable me to communicate my thoughts without any inconve...
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