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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Self-reflection Literature & Language Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: A large part of the AUx Program is critical self-reflection. When we say critical, we mean asking the hard questions and grappling with challenging emotions or realizations about yourself and the world around you. Throughout the semester, you will be asked to answer reflection prompts. Your instructor might incorporate journaling into your AUx1 class as well, but these prompts are to be completed throughout the semester.

Directions: Submit 2 total reflective prompts from the choices below in the “Reflective Prompt Choices” section of this assignment. one of your submissions need to be unique reflective prompts; one submission may be a reflective prompt that you have already used previously. We ask that you choose reflective prompts that are relevant to you in the moment. In each submission, please specifically name the reflective prompt you have chosen and answer all of the questions part of that prompt.

A note on citations: Any references to articles, book chapters, web resources, videos, or other content (from AUx1 or not) must be properly cited. This can be a separate document if you are using a medium outside of writing. Citations lend credibility to your work, give credit to the original author, and, of course, avoid plagiarism. Please state your citation style in the works cited section of your assignment. (University library citation guide for all styles).

Grading: You are not being graded on the content of your reflection. This means that we are not focused on the experience, but rather we are looking at the prompts as places for you to focus on growth and engaging in reflection. For additional information about how your work will be evaluated, refer to the Assignment Rubric, available in the course syllabus, and attached to the assignment in Canvas. Since this assignment is done in groups, each group member will get the same grade for the group product.

Reflection Prompt 1: Challenge your thinking - Describe something that you have learned or an experience that you have had at AU that has changed (or at least challenged) the way you think about the world.

• In what ways did your perspective change?

• What aspect caused you to think critically?

• How are you going to apply this learning to other aspects of life?

Reflection Prompt 3: What do you need?

• What is one thing that you need right now to support your wellness?

• What boundaries do you need to set or honor to give yourself what you need?

• What would it look like to build what you need into your routine?

Reflection Prompt 5: Feeling Right Now

• Describe how you are feeling right now.

• What do you think that feeling is telling you?

• How can you engage with that feeling?

Reflection Prompt 6: Semester Thoughts on Your Transfer Experience

• How do you feel right now about your choice to transfer to AU?

• What is one thing that could make the transfer experience better for you?

• How have you handled “transfer shock” and the process of starting over at a new college?

Reflection Prompt 7: Course Engagement

• What is one reading that resonated with you in class so far?

• Why did that reading stand out to you?

• What are you still thinking about or still have questions on?

Reflection Prompt 8: Learning Who I Am

• Think about the social identities that you hold. What factors shaped how you understand your identities?

• How have you reflected on your identities this semester in connection to transferring to AU?

• What questions do you want to explore related to your identities in the future?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Feeling right now
I feel happy at the moment considering the comprehensive learning activities and quality facilities available in the college. One example is the library and school gym that makes reading and achievement of our physical wellbeing easy. Major excitements come from the feeling of right choices made from joining the AU College to study the desired course for a successful career. The feeling of being an adult imposes that college life experiences require enormous responsibilities. Joining college is overwhelming; however, maintaining a functional program devoid of harmful activities is challenging, keeping in mind plenty of freedom. The ability to interact with other students from different parts of the world develops an open mind through the experiences of broad cultures and social philosophies. Staying focused on my education demands personal responsibility, thus controlling everything happening in my student life.
The present feeling suggests that the future is bright, although utmost care is necessary when engaging in new activities. Continuous development entails determination on class activities for better results. Nurturing confidence is essential in every aspect of life; therefore, active participation in study groups and other co-curriculum activities such as sports sharpens my communication skills. Engaging with what I feel requires an in-depth internal discussion with personal friends and mentors—asking for a response about the things that generate the excitement feeling offer a powerful platform for evaluating whether the emotions are real or just a rush. Negative emotions are unhealthy for successful academic progress; thus, identifying a person to share feelings brings clarity to issues. Also, seeking help concerning issues I cannot handle helps to engage with current emotions positively.
Semester Thoughts on my Transfer Experience
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