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Discussion 1 Epicurus and Happiness

Essay Instructions:

“Do you agree with Epicurus that happiness is the absence of pain, so that in order to be happy, we should try to live in a state of perfect equanimity (ataraxia)? Or do you seek a different sort of happiness?”

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Epicurus and Happiness
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Epicurus and Happiness
Epicurus's definition of happiness is “the absence of pain, both physical and mental (Strodach, 2012).” He believed that to be happy, one has to be in a state of tranquility and ataraxia. To achieve this, one would require eliminating all circumstances and factors that cause physical pain and mental distress. I, however, do not agree with his opinion. I believe that happiness is more than the absence of pain. To be happy, I believe one should be able to take up pain and find positivity even during the most difficult moments.
According to Epicurus, pain is something that we can avoid. That is why he believed that happiness is the absence of pain. However, I believe that pain is inevitable. But, if we embrace our pain and learn something new from it, then we can ex...
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