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Voltaire’s Candide

Essay Instructions:

“This week you read roughly half of Voltaire’s satiric novella Candide (to the end of Ch. 18). Choose a specific episode from the first half of the book in which Voltaire seems to be making a philosophical comment about the eternal quest to be happy. In the scene that you’ve selected, what is Voltaire trying to teach us about happiness and our pursuit of it?”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: Voltaire
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Discussion: Voltaire
               In Voltaire’s Candide, the main character Candide travels the world and learns a lot of lessons. He travels through Europe and South American in pursuit of happiness and pleasure. His journey is characterized by fortunes and misfortunes, loss, and discovery among others. In chapter 18, Candide and his companion Cacambo have finally arrived in Eldorado. In this place, they have been received with great hospitality. They even get to dine with the king and receive great entertainment. Even though the two travelers love Eldorado and the life it has to offer, Candide is not entirely happy in this place. There is a scene where he tells Cacambo that they should go back to the old world and they ask the king for permission to leave Eldorado. The king responds by telling them that their plan is foolish. The king believes that when a person finds pleasure or happiness in a place, they should stay in that place. He does not understand why Candide and Cacambo want to live.
               This scene reveals a key lesson about happiness. Voltaire is trying to teach us that there is more to happiness than a lavish lifestyle. In Eldorado, Candide and Cacambo are received with hospitality and they get to share a meal with the king. They also learn that Eldorado has no courts or prisons. Yet, they still choose to leave the place and go back to their home where there are so many injustices and hardships. Candide believes that El...
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