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Theory of Knowledge: Gaining Knowledge, Through The Use of a Network of Ways of Knowing

Essay Instructions:

Theory of Knowledge Essay Plan

 Introduction (200 words)

Paragraph 1

 Clearly state your knowledge question (same as your title).

 State which area of knowledge you are dealing with.

 Briefly state your thesis. What is your answer to the knowledge question?

 Write a sentence or two stating the order in which you will deal with your points.

 Say which ways of know­ing and areas of knowl­edge you’re going to use.


Claim - (250 words).

Paragraph 2.

Ways of knowing and the knowledge framework should feature in this paragraph.

Write a topic sen­tence stating why you support the knowledge question.

Give details of why you support the knowledge question.

Provide a real life example to clar­ify and sup­port the claim from your own experience. Examples should be personal, specific, precise and real.


Counter-claim - (250 words).

Paragraph 3.

Ways of knowing and the knowledge framework should feature in this paragraph.

Write a topic sen­tence stating why you do not support the knowledge question.

Give details of why you do not support the knowledge question.

Provide a real life example to clar­ify and sup­port the claim from your own experience. You can use the same example from the previous paragraph, or you can choose a different one.


Evaluation: Part one - (250-300 words).

Paragraph 4.

Ways of knowing and the knowledge framework should feature in this paragraph.

Say which you support more – the claim or the counter-claim.

Don’t simply state your opinion. Connect your thinking to one or more of the following theories or arguments: moral relativism, self-interest, evolutionary, hidden benefits, fear of punishment, religious, duty, Kantian, Utilitarianism.


Evaluation: Part two - (200 words).

Paragraph 5.Why is it important that we know about these issues?

 Explain another perspective that someone may have (e.g. an older person).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theory of Knowledge Essay
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In terms of knowledge, it can be determined that its acquisition may take different approaches which determine whether individuals have the capacity to know something or not. As determined, it is essential to consider that all knowledge may not be equally valuable with the basic element that supports our knowledge remaining at how well this can be justified (Van de Lagemaat, Richard, 2005). In knowledge gaining and acquisition, justification is likely to take into consideration different areas of knowledge, a factor that proves the different approaches of acquiring knowledge. In this case, the knowledge that is valued may tentatively vary in accordance to the areas of knowledge.
It is essential to consider the fact that knowledge remains one of the vital elements that is used to explain the world that surrounds us with the aim of furthering our understanding in the making of decisions. This paper in this case attempts to articulate the aspect of knowledge gaining that uses a network of approaches in knowing. In giving a clear indication of this studies question, the study will make reference of the two areas of knowing referred to as natural sciences.
Gaining Knowledge, Through The Use of a Network of Ways of Knowing
One of the elements that have raised a lot of concerns in the aspect of epistemology is in determining the definition of knowledge with many philosophers basing their justifications in the fact that knowledge is a true belief that may be used as a working model. This study consequently aims at the study will make reference of the two areas of knowing referred to as natural sciences.
However, it is vital to consider the fact that beliefs may fail to actually constitute knowledge (Van de Lagemaat, Richard, 2005). In as much as philosophers have failed in determining the typical definition of knowledge, there is need to consider that knowledge can be determined as an acquisition that may take different approaches which determine whether individuals have the capacity to know something or not.
It is vital to constitute that there are different approaches of gaining knowledge and knowing that support this topic. Besides the daily routine in life, there is significance between the new approaches of thinking and gaining knowledge. In as much as the intellectuals try to learn from encyclopedic information, many people are determined to gain knowledge without much information. Much of the knowledge that human beings acquire comes from the senses that is developed through perceptions (Van de Lagemaat, Richard, 2005). Additionally, it is vital to consider that there are two traditions that depict the manner in which we gain and acquire knowledge, which points out that primary knowledge is centered on our experiences and rationalism that believes that knowledge is based on the aspect of reasoning.
In as much as the scientific world draws its ideologies on the empiricism view that holds that knowledge is gained from experiences, it is essential to consider that these two approaches may tend to be plausible. The discovery of new approaches of knowledge and methods of knowing remains beneficial than the development of new facts considering the fact that reaching new information may tend to be easier for a majority of persons, but the approaches of knowing may not be consequently attained by everyone (Austin, Kim, Suzanne, Rosso & Jim 2001). This depicts that only a few people have the capacity to utilize the different thinking approaches. Knowledge contributes to a new approach of thinking that is supported by facts that can be justified. This depicts the fact that information and facts may be used to discover how knowing of mysterious aspects in science, a factor that requires a well-developed understanding of the discovery of new things in the operations of life.
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