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What is American Psychological Association (APA) Essay?

Essay Instructions:

Create an APA essay that addresses the following:
1.What is the usefulness of the running head?
2.What are the technical parameters of creating and using the running head (i.e., length, how do you decide which words to use...)?
3.What is the purpose of the title page?
4.Where do page numbers appear on the page?
5.What are the technical parameters of page margins? 
6.When are appendices used & how are they formatted? 
7.When is it appropriate to use sub-headings in a paper?
8.What are the technical parameters of sub-heading? 1.Provide an example of two levels of headings
9.How is a journal article cited? Provide an example
10.How is a journal article from an online source cited? Provide an example
11.How are multiple authors cited? Provide an example
12.How are references arranged on the reference page itself? Provide an example using three references. Attach example as appendix B
Need reference and citation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

APA Essay
Institutional Affiliation
APA Essay
American Psychological Association (APA) is one of the styles used while citing sources for academic writings, especially in the field of social sciences. It has its own guideline and structure technique of making the citations. The running head in the style is a short title of the essay or document appearing at the top of every page. It ought to contain a maximum of 5 characters, inclusive of the spacing between words (Gelfand, Walker, & American Psychological Association, 2002). The running head is used for identification of the pages of the essay and identifying, at a glance what the paper or article is about.
The title page introduces the author of the essay, the topic of the essay, and the institutional affiliation. The title of the essay ought to be at most 12 words, and should be significant to the entire essay. The page numbers of any essay referenced using the APA style appears at the flush right of the essay. It gives the reader an opportunity to keep track of their progress (Gelfand, Walker, & American Psychological Association, 2002). The page margins are set up to about 1 inch or 2.54 cm from right, left, bottom and top of every page.
The appendix is used to store a given set of information about the essay. They are the supporting materials that a person interested in the work can check out. Includes: consent forms to participants, questionnaire or surveys from the research, long data set, flyers created while requesting other persons to participate, and research data and methodology. Moreover, the appendix appears as the last thing in the paper after the references (Schwartz, Landrum, & Gurung, 2012).
The subheading used in a paper can be a little bit longer than the heading since they are more descriptive than the headings. It assists in orientation and enables the readers to skim through the piece of literature quickly and understand the information being shared. In the APA style, there are five levels of headings used (Gelfand, Walker, & American Psychological Association, 2002). Each level has its own technical parameters. (See appendix A for heading levels)
While citing a journal, the writer’s last name comes first, trailed by their initials, year of publication, and then the period. The title of the journal is written capitalizing only the initial letter, it is written the sentence-case. The periodical title of the journal is written in the title-case, capitalizing each word, and then trailed by the volume and the issue number. The periodic title of the journal ought to be italic....
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