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The use of Organic Chemistry in your Daily Activity: Sterilizing Agents, Analytic Substances

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay of 1600 words, double spaced, in standard fonts, giving credible references on "The use of organic chemistry in your daily activity". You need to mention 5 or more activities where organic chemistry is used. Please follow APA format. 
Your paper should be 1600 words or more, not less. Credible references can be taken from the internet, but from credible sources. Scientists ( e.g. chemists, physicists, biologist )or scientific organizations (American Chemical Society, Universities and Colleges) are usually credible sources. Websites which can't be credible are usually those that may be associated with marketing or opinions which are not based on any scientific testing (using scientific method). People who have not identified themselves as a scientist can’t be credible.

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At first, the term organic chemistry can be understood as something that has been removed from our everyday life. However, this concept could not be far from the truth. The reality of the key role of organic chemistry in the modern world is collated from various aspects such as the advertisement by E.I.du Pont "Better things for a better living through organic chemistry."
This advertisement made its debut in early 1938 introducing the revolutionary of organic chemistry, and that is the nylon. Nylon is a polymer that started the revolution of the plastics. There is hardly a single way of a person’s life where one is not in need of organic chemistry. The food that we consume is typically a mixture of organic compounds. The changes that these foods undergo in our bodies are enhanced by chemical reactions.
The clothes that people wear are all natural in nature. Other things such as soaps, cosmetics, oils rubbers, papers and many more other things are organic compounds (Hart, 2011). The primary sources of energy that we use in our day to day operations such as petroleum, natural gas and coal are organic. When we focus on the medical world, organic chemistry is indisputable. Alkaloids and antibiotics together with chemicals are organic compounds. It hard finds any company or industry which does not rely on Organic chemistry.
This paper is going to focus on how organic chemistry is being used
Discussion and analysis
In our present world, o organic chemistry is important to our pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry where the major concern is synthesis of organic molecules together with new polymers. There are different ways in which organic chemistry play an essential role in our day to day lives and how the concept is used in producing various substances that are used in our bodies.
Application of organic chemistry
1 Medicine: Medicine is the main core of organic compounds .Though not all but most medicines are usually made of organic medicine. The current and the future of organic chemistry in medicine is very important .By having the ability to create better medicine, chemical researchers will need to advance their research in the medical field. If we don’t improve organic chemistry in the medical field, there will be no way of improving medicine that will make people feel much better. Organic chemistry is significant in the area of medicine (Schwarzenbach,2005).
Drugs are composed of organic compounds .Pharmacists won’t be that effective if they are not precisely aware of different structures organic compounds and the function of biological chemistry. Pharmacists must have a proper understanding of medical descriptions that they offer to patient’s .A huge number of medical disorder due to disabling organic molecules inside the body of a patient.
It is very clear that organic chemistry is important in sustaining our daily life .A better understanding of these organic compounds is vital in medical field, not only to understand the basics in the functions of biology but also it can be used in predicting various scenarios in our bodies and which might be due to disruption of organic compounds. Completion of medical organic chemistry can be achieved by understanding organic chemistry.
2. Food:
Food materials that we consume are made of carbon compounds such as CHO for carbohydrates, C H-COO-CH for fats and NH2-CH-COOH for proteins.Additionally, e-ven the vitamins are also organic materials; Studies have been conducted in efforts to analyze the requirement of our bodies for different purposes such as pregnancy, various disease conditions and body fitness whereby experts advice in the use of vitamins such as FOLIC acid during pregnancy and protein diet for body building.
3. Sterilizing Agents:
Most sterilizing agents such as phenol formaldehyde and many others are carbon compounds, Because of their properties such as solubility and pH levels ,t hey can kill microbes and to some extent body cells.
They kill these bacteria by either dissolving the walls of the microbes or destroying the protein layers. The efficiency is facilitated by making small changes in the chemistry. Besides such solvents, there are gases such as ethylene which are usually used to sterilize drugs and other manufactured substances.
4. Analytic substances:
Most of the substances that we use in our daily life such as pesticides and drugs are first analyzed through titration and chromatography methods. Here various reagents used such as acids and oxides are oxides in nature. Additionally, the endpoint in titration is typically developed through organic chemistry.
5. Valuables:
Diamond, petroleum and other valuable compounds are also composed of organic compounds. Furthermore, carbon compounds are usually found in valuable items in the world.
Diamond and graphite are made of pure carbon without any other elements in them. They are both expensive items. The properties of such valuable items are usually studied in organic chemistry. Petroleum is one of the valued commodities in the whole world due to t...
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