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The Homepage of the Swisse Website Informs its Prospective Customers

Essay Instructions:

complete on time, no extension

(the company to analyze is brand: Swisse website: https://swisse(dot)com(dot)au/about-earth, this is a group work, you only need to analyze the website content. I have uploaded what the group member write their part for you to reference)

For this task, you need to analyse and give editorial advice on a company or organisation’s social media profile, or other public representation through written and/or visual text, over a defined period of time. Choose more than one document, post, page or text to discuss.

Using what you have learned thus far about the editorial process through class discussions and readings, you should comment on the features of your chosen texts. This could include the rhetorical strategies used, what you have discovered about the editorial process that produced it, elements of invention, arrangement or style (selection and shaping), target audience and intended effects, the actual (or potential) effects, its formatting, design or delivery.

After analysing some of these features, you should indicate whether you feel the editor's choices were effective, and if not, offer suggested changes to the document in question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Homepage of the Swisse Website Informs its Prospective Customers
The homepage of the Swisse website utilizes various strategies to appeal to its visitors and audience which are its potential customers. The homepage of the Swisse website informs its prospective customers. It utilizes various rhetorical strategies including a logical, ethical and emotional appeal to persuade the audience/prospective buyers about the authenticity and credibility of its products. Using rhetorical strategies to persuade individuals is not deception but a strategy of making the truth/facts apparent (Dubov, 2015). The emotional appeal focuses on evoking psychic and inner connections between the prospective buyers with the local cultures, people and environment. The homepage of the Swisse website appeals to the emotions of the viewers by highlighting the benefits of native and locally grown materials the company uses as ingredients in its products. A photo of a hand holding the ingredients has also been included alongside the description. The hands in the picture belong to a black person (probably an Aboriginal Australian). The picture is intended to emphasize the role of native/Aboriginal Australian in the company. The intended effect of the photo is to promote cultural diversity and cultural acceptance. The homepage also has links to social media including Facebook and Instagram.
Source: Swisse.com
Swisse has also shared the map that traces the location/origins of a wide range of locally obtained ingredients of its products.
Source: Swisse.com
Swisse also utilizes ethical appeal by focusing on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Ethical practices involve protecting the environment and supporting local tribes such as the Kakadu Plum growers at Mamabulanjin Aboriginal Corporation. Corporate social responsibility enables the company to support the natives and promote th...
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