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Why Case Studies are appropriate technique for construction research?

Essay Instructions:

Please read the article “The Case Study Research”. Please briefly answering the following questions:

a. Why a Case Study is an appropriate technique for construction research?

b. What kind of projects (research topics) are ideally suited for case study research?

c. What are major advantages and drawbacks of this technique in your opinion?

d. Would you use case study research for your capstone? Why or Why not?

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The Case Study Research
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a. Why a Case Study is an appropriate technique for construction research?
Case study is an appropriate technique for construction research because it captures the rich information for investigation purpose. This technique allows investigators to retain holistic and momentous features of real-life events (Proverbs & Gameson, 2008). When investigating construction projects, the project stakeholders often provide data directly through interviews and surveys or indirectly by allowing access to relevant documents. Through case studies, the stakeholders can conduct investigations to identify any gaps and improve the current practices in the construction industry (Proverbs & Gameson, 2008).
It is worth noting that the construction practitioners or engineers highly value site experience. Therefore, they consider practical knowledge a more significant than the theoretical knowledge. Through case studies, a researcher can study an experimental theory about build environment using a set of procedures and data collection methods like interviews and documentary evidence that emphasize on investigating a phenomenon within the context of construction (Proverbs & Gameson, 2008). b. What kind of projects (research topics) are ideally suited for case study research?
Case study research is ideally suited for projects that need to investigate complex issues in the real world setting. They are also appropriate in the experimental topics and exploratory research projects that investigate a problem not studied or thoroughly investigated in the past (Yin, 2017). These projects are usually conducted to improve the understanding of the existing problem although the research does not lead to conclusive result. Researchers employ exploratory study they trying to be familiar with the...
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