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Should Citizens Side with Apple or the FBI in the San Bernardino case?

Essay Instructions:

This is hybrid essay . I am with apple . need introduction part , 3 body paragraphs and conclusion part

Hi , could you please write an essay on simple sentences. I mean I don't want any hard words included. Thank you



Introduction The paper begins with general information which logically guides the reader towards the summary of the article. (5 pts.) The summary is no more than four sentences and is complete with the article’s author, title, and publisher. The summary includes only main points and no minor ones. (10 pts.) The thesis statement is a complete sentence, corrected formatted, which tells the reader not only what the other side believes regarding the issue but also what the writer’s position on the issue is. The thesis directly responds to the prompt, reflects the main points of the essay, previews the structure of the essay, and has parallel form. (10 pts.) Body Paragraphs The 1st body paragraph begins with a clear topic sentence stating what the paragraph is going to be about. Afterward, the writer moves into their two major supporting ideas as well as minor supporting details which develop the argument by providing explanations, examples, statistical data, and/or personal experience to bolster the argument. The paragraph concludes logically. The argument is persuasive to the critical reader. The paragraph has at least one correctly-formatted quote or paraphrase with an in-text citation for each reference to the article. There is no more than two transition words or phrases in the paragraph (15 pts.) The 2nd body paragraph begins with a clear topic sentence stating what the paragraph is going to be about. Afterward, the writer moves into their two major supporting ideas as well as minor supporting details which develop the argument by providing explanations, examples, statistical data, and/or personal experience to bolster the argument. The paragraph concludes logically. The argument is persuasive to the critical reader and is substantially different than the 1st body paragraph. The paragraph has at least one correctly-formatted quote or paraphrase with an in-text citation for each reference to the article. There is no more than two transition words or phrases in the paragraph (15 pts.) The 3rd body paragraph begins with a clear topic sentence stating what the paragraph is going to be about. Afterward, the writer moves into their two major supporting ideas as well as minor supporting details which develop the argument by providing explanations, examples, statistical data, and/or personal experience to bolster the argument. The paragraph concludes logically. The argument is persuasive to the critical reader and is substantially different than the 1st and 2nd body paragraphs. The paragraph has at least one correctly-formatted quote or paraphrase with an in-text citation for each reference to the article. There is no more than two transition words or phrases in the paragraph (15 pts.) Conclusion The conclusion restates the main points of the 1st 2nd and 3rd body paragraphs. It ends by logically concluding the paper and wrapping it up. (10 pts.) Coherence The writer’s sentences throughout hold together, or are logically linked. The writer uses a variety of techniques to achieve coherence, including judicious pronoun usage and transition words/phrases. But the primary way the writer links sentence cohesively is by using old-new structure. (10 pts.) Grammar The writer’s grammar is commensurate with a 1st draft of an ESLINTG 100 take-home essay. Key grammatical points covered in class are consistently correct. (5 pts.) Formatting The paper demonstrates the required formatting, including double-spaced text, 12 pt. font, 1” margins, page numbers. (5 pts.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“Should Citizens Side with Apple or the FBI in the San Bernardino iPhone case?” Evan Osnos
Cellphones have huge quantities of sensitive and confidential data related to the privacy of individuals. Yet, due to the dangers of terrorism and internet crime, security agencies want tech companies to hack into mobile phones used by their customers. Over the past years, there have been so many issues that have often threatened to lay bare the underlying issues within the modern society. There have been cases and scandals too, which have often opened new debates when it comes to what really holds the fabric of society, what is right or wrong, and generally the back and forth on what should be acceptable. In the article “Should Citizens Side with Apple or the FBI in the San Bernardino iPhone case?” the author, Evan Osnos, examines privacy issues related to the shootings in San Bernardino. Farook and his wife were killed in a gun battle, which gives the FBI the authority to hack into his phone because deceased individuals have no privacy rights. However, Apple declined to hack into Farook’s iPhone indicating that creating a “back door” would enable the government to access Americans’ personal data all the time. Despite terrorism being a significant issue, hacking into Americans’ phones threatens their privacy, makes them vulnerable to foreign surveillance, and increases the capability of the government to use other surveillance mechanisms.
Personal privacy
Americans have the right to store their information into their phones without having to share it with security agencies. Under the constitution, Americans right to privacy is described by the Fourth Amendment. Consequently, phones have security features that guard the privacy of consumer information. Although the Fourth Amendment also indicates that government agencies can search personal property if there is probable cause, creating a back door on phones “would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect” (Osnos, n.d, p 1). Therefore, regardless of whether the search is related to a terrorism incidence, forcing Apple to hack into phones is a violation of personal privacy.
Hacking facilitates the use of other surveillance methods
Apple hacking into iPhones would set a precedent that validates the use of other surveillance mechanisms. If the FBI or th...
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