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Teenagers Growing Up Too Fast

Essay Instructions:

The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook:

The behavior of teens and "tweens" is often considered an issue of serious concern in today's society. From improper dress to drugs to sex and violence, many parents worry that adolescent behavior is out of control. In addition, some are concerned that the average age of adolescence is getting increasingly younger, and that many children are being forced—either by the media or by peer pressure—to grow up too fast (Hymowitz, 1998).

In this Assignment, you apply supportive evidence taken from the readings and from your own experiences to reinforce a position.

Questions about this Assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see and benefit from the Instructor's response.

To prepare for this Assignment:
-Review the Chapter 12 selection, "Tweens: Ten Going On Sixteen" by Kay S. Hymowitz in The Longman Writer (pp. 212–216).
Then, read the following statement:
-Are children growing up too fast?
-Select a position to argue. Either agree or disagree with the above statement.
Next, consider the following:
-Reflect on your experiences of being a "tween." Was it fun, awkward, or awful?
-What are your experiences with the emotions and behaviors of this age group? How have you responded to these emotions and behaviors, and what are their implications? Consider why "tweens" behave in the manner that they do. How do adult reactions affect "tween" mannerisms, affectations, and behaviors?

The Assignment:
Write a 1- to 2-page essay in response to the statement. Be sure to include the following:
-An introductory paragraph that includes your thesis statement regarding your position in favor of or against the statement. Underline the thesis statement in your response.
-1–2 paragraphs of supportive evidence for your position
◦Cite at least two examples from the reading or outside sources (e.g., books, journal articles, web articles) in support of your position. Note: Wikipedia will not be accepted as an outside resource.

Formatting Expectations:
-Indent the first sentence of each paragraph. Block paragraphs are not acceptable for this Assignment.

Your final document should
-be in a 10- or 12-point font, such as Arial or Verdana
-be double-spaced throughout
-have 1-inch margins for top, bottom, left, and right
-Include your full name and the Assignment title on the document

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teenagers Growing Up Too Fast
In the last few decades, there have been a lot of changes in the society, much of which can be attributed to the development in information technology.  Kay S. Hymowitz, in her literature piece titled "Tweens: Ten Going on Sixteen" agrees with the fact that the children in the current generation are growing too fast. In the past, sixteen years of age was the prime teenagers' age when they would discover themselves and their environment (Hymowitz, 1998). This has since changed and even eight year olds behave like they are sixteen already.
Thesis statement: Children are maturing too fast and developing behaviors that would be considered premature.
Research carried out by some of the toy industry players has indicated that the level of maturity in children is higher at younger ages. In the past the companies used to rely on 14 year olds, but now they are forced to focus on the market in the ten year olds (Childrensdayton.org, 2014). This an indication that the 14 year olds no longer want to be treated as children, but rather as young adults. This is the same case for the cable companies such as Nickelodeon that targeted the 14 years old and below, but have now realized that the 10-12 year olds are now behaving like 14 year olds (Hymowitz, 1998).
Growing up as a teenager was a tough period. Most of the time one feels that he is not understood by those around him especially figures of authority (Williams, 2012). As such, one feels that he would want to create his own identity and not conform to what the parents, teachers or the guardian...
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