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The Student Should Be Requires To Wear Uniforms In The School Or Not?

Essay Instructions:

the topic is that the student should be requires to wear uniforms in the school or not. I am the opposite side

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School Uniforms Debate
What is the essence of students wearing school uniforms? Is it for the purposes of uniformity at school? Is it in any way related to the academic setting and overall performance of these students? Well, the debate about the relevance of school uniforms has for a long time focused on the tag of war between the aesthetic value of it and academic importance. It might be argued that there is very little in terms of correlation, between either. From a personal perspective, students should not be mandatorily required to wear school uniforms, as academic performance is based on what is in the mind and not appearance.
When a person dresses in whichever way he wants, it is an expression of his freedom and hence, creativity. Under a school setup, such a scenario enables a student to be open to new concepts and ideas, hence contributing to the learning process. This is contrary to how one feels when in school uniforms. The uniform provides some form of siege mentality in the mind of the student, who feels that it is a punishment to not only wear the uniform, but also go to school. Every classroom experience therefore becomes torturous for the student, contributing to poor academic performance in general. The impact of a siege mentality are usually detrimental even to the overall growth of the student (Spencer, 2013). It might lead to own self esteem due to the feeling of inferiority, which might also prevent the student from expressing himself clearly in even ordinary scenarios.
Secondly, school uniforms constitute an extra expense for the parents. In other terms, it is expensive to keep dressing up one’s kids each day with a new school uniform. Taking a case in point; each school has got its own distinct requirements for the uniform. These requirements mean that there is a need for specialized production from contracted dealers, who might take it as a business opportunity to sell them at exorbitant prices. Factoring in that each day needs a clean school uniform is another thing, meaning that for five days, on average, one needs at least three different sets of school uniforms. Adding this to the usual expenses of school means that it becomes an extra baggage for the parents or guardians. It is an expensive undertaking to purchase school uniforms, considering the fact that they will only be worn at certain times of day.
With the current changes and development of a new generation, there is a high likelihood that the provisions given by the various schools won’t augur well with all the students or their guardians. For example, there might be a policy that female students are to wear skirts that go beyond the knee. This might look so awkward and somehow ugly in appearance for some students (Lemouse.n.d.). Feminists might ta...
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