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Annex: Decision Of Whether To Tell The Truth Or Lies

Essay Instructions:

Background: When we are little, we are taught not to tell lies. However, as adults we do find ourselves sometimes telling lies. There can be many reason for this; perhaps we wish to be kind to a friend, and so we lie to them. Perhaps we wish to protect 3 child; and so we lie to them. Or, perhaps we wish to avoi bad consequences ourselves, and so we tell a lie. But are all these lies justified? What makes it okay?
Topic: When should you tell the truth and when is it okay to tell a lie?
1. Begin by explaining when you feel it is okay to tell a lie, and when you must tell the truth. What general rule or principles do you follow?2. Bring in examples to help your reader understand situations in which you feel it is okay to tell a
lie, and situations in which you must tell the truth. Be sure to explain why it is or isn't okay to tell a lie in these examples.3. Consider society as a whole in your conclusion. Do we tell too many lies or not? Do we tell lies for good reason, or not so good reasons? What is the overall effect of lying on our society?

Length: Two full pages, typed and double-spaced Note: You must submit a copy of your final draft to turnitin on ilearn in order to receive credit for this essay. You must also turn in a paper copy of your final draft, along with your first and proof-reading drafts. Please use a folder, so as to avoid losing any of the drafts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
The decision of whether to tell the truth or lies is a tough choice for any individual to make, as in one point or the other, the determination of picking one over the other can be the wrong choice. Both the truth and lies work in some instances, while other times they fail by resulting in more harm than anticipated. Honesty is considered the best policy; however, in some cases lies work better. Lies and the truth are acceptable in some scenarios as discussed below.
In deciding whether the truth or a lie would suffice, one has to consider various principles. The first principle is the objective of the information. In a situation where one’s intention is to help the other person as opposed to hurting them, the truth becomes the only option. For instance, when a friend is in a toxic relationship characterized by fighting, uncontrollable drinking, and missing classes, the truth would be appropriate in helping them change their lives for the better. However, when one knows that telling the truth only serves to destroy or disadvantage other people, lying would be prudent. For instance, when the question of the negative aspects an interviewee has heard about a company comes up in a job interview, lying and instead pointing out helpful new ideas would be a better move. Lying, in this case, ensures an interviewee gets a fair chance at getting the job.
Secondly, one should consider whether a person should hear specific information from you or others. In most cases, accurate information ends up hurting a recipient and they end up blaming the deliverer of the news. Hence, before revealing them, one has to consider the possible reaction from others. For instance, when one discovers that a fr...
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