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Short Writing Answer About Starting A Business

Essay Instructions:

If a friend of yours was currently starting their own venture, what are the top 2 pieces of advice that you would give them based on what you have learned this semester? Why did you choose these two pieces of advice? Helpful Hint: Be thorough in your answers and reference examples and materials from class throughout the semester.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Starting a business is usually no easy task for any entrepreneur. It involves a lot of prior planning and preparation, in addition to some stroke of luck as well. So often, people tend to go into business without having enough information about the trends in the market and how to perfectly fit into the business niche they are in. As for my friend, who is planning on starting a business, there are two important pieces of advice I would give, based on what I’ve learnt during the semester.
First, the business should work to fill a certain gap in the market. He should ensure that he does a thorough research of the market and the prevailing business environment, to ensure that whatever he wants to start, fits into a certain hole, or fills a certain gap. The aim of a business, apart from the usual bandwagon effect, is to help solve the problems being experienced by people in a certain market environment, or to fill the gap in that particular market (Cuban, 2012). In this manner, there is usually the chance that the business gets off to some good start, since it will be addressing a particular need within the society. This is how startups such as Fastly, Zimperium, Gigya and Firstjob managed to get up to great beginnings, since they addressed problems ranging from jobs, mobile phone security, internet safety and online customer engagement.
Secondly, he needs to have strict rules that he should observe while setting off. So often, entrepreneurs get into their businesses and get carried away at first, by the way their business takes off. It is the main lesson taught from the experiences of Daniel Wagner, in his resolve to come up with safety designs for cars (Cohen, 2014). They then forget that without certain rules to follow, the whole enterprise can come down at the same pace it went up. ...
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