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Strengths of Using Consumer Choice as a Strategy for Food Justice

Essay Instructions:

1. Referring to two or more of the assigned materials, evaluate the strengths and pitfalls of individual consumer choice as a strategy for food justice. Analyze how consumer decisions aim, succeed, and/or fail to challenge the structural inequities and harmful impacts of the global food system. Provide specific evidence and examples from the materials to support your claims.
2. Unpack Nancy Snow’s definition of “virtuous food” and the values of “sustenance” and “sustainability.” What is the “tragic dilemma” that she identifies therein? Explain how this framework applies to Lo and Koenig’s discussion of worker-consumer activist partnerships in advancing campaigns for food justice. Provide specific examples to support your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food virtue
Food virtue
Lo and Koenig discuss various strengths of using consumer choice as a strategy for food justice. These include visibilities of campaigns in that consumers help the workers that are not treated rightly by helping them acquire attention from their employers through an alliance with them. The strategy also provides support to the workers when their issues are not met by emphasizing their needs to their employers. On the other hand, consumers can also use their buying power as leverage to ensure just food systems by using their vocal activism.
The weaknesses of using this strategy include the consumer may not fully comprehend the information about the employer, which makes it difficult to ensure justice among the employees. It’s also time-consuming because meetings have to be held for agreements. This strategy has helped in solving inequalities and harmful impacts on the global food system by forming alliances and supporting workers, and holding meetings with employer companies. Examples include the 2014 early summer when the labor committee played a more active role in the campaign to emphasize the workers’ problems. The Brooklyn Food Coalition held conversations to ensure food justice.
Virtuous f...
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