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Formal Analysis of Composition 8 by Wassily Kandinsky

Essay Instructions:

Essay 2

Overview and Goals:
As part of this course, we have explored some of the basic scientific concepts associated with colour, including its physical origins and nature. We have also learned about the process of sensing, measuring, and creating colour. This assignment will give you the opportunity to link these concepts and ideas back to the familiar world of art and design.

There are two options for your topic:
• The first is to select a piece of visual art created by another artist. This could be a painting, sculpture, exhibit, game, building/architecture, or any other visual piece you believe would be interesting to study and analyze. If you choose this option, please make a post to the discussion forum listing the title of the work and the creator(s) to avoid duplicate subjects.
• The second is to select a piece of visual art that you have created.

This analytical essay will describe and evaluate the use of colour in your chosen piece of art, taking into account the scientific knowledge you have acquired about the origins of colour and of colour theory in general. This type of essay usually begins with a description of the work, followed by the formal analysis and reflection. You may use subheadings to separate these three main parts in the essay.

The introduction portion of this essay should describe the work, why you decided to pick this particular subject, and how colour is used in this piece of art. Any relevant supplementary figures related to the subject may be included, but will need to be appended to the end of the essay as a separate appendix.

The analysis portion of this essay should describe how colour is generated for the audience, what tools and materials are used in this process, and the techniques used in adding colour to the piece of art in question. Scientific research should be included in this section to explain the physical origin of colour. Finally, analyze what the artist was trying to convey with the colour and gauge its effectiveness.

The reflection portion of this essay should further explore your emotional and intellectual reaction to this piece of art. Examine what you have learned during this process of writing about art. Has the scientific understanding of colour improved your appreciation of this piece? What discoveries about their techniques or methodology have you made along the way? Will this knowledge be useful in your future artistic endeavours?

The written portion of the essay will have a length of between 3 to 5 single-spaced pages.
Supplementary plots or figures may only be attached as a separate appendix, with a maximum length of
2 additional pages. Include a title page listing your name and your chosen question.

You can select your preferred reference format, so long as that format is applied consistently throughout the report. Make sure to include both in-line citations and a list of references. Use your own words and avoid including quotations unless they are necessary.

Submit the report to the provided drop box on Canvas. It is your responsibility to ensure that the file is in a Canvas compatible format, such as a docx or a pdf file.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Composition 8
Student’s Name
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Composition 8
Composition 8 is an oil on canvas painting created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1923. Currently, the painting can be found in the Guggenheim Museum located in New York. The artist considered this painting as his highest point after the war. The painting was also his first work to enter the Guggenheim Museum. In contrast to many artists, Kandinsky does not use contemporary art methods in creating their paintings. Instead, he uses color and strokes to create a fantastic masterpiece. I chose this piece of art because it has enough details for analysis in this essay. The masterpiece is filled with different colors, making it more reliable in analyzing the origin of color and its meaning in painting. The painting will also be ideal in showing how he uses colors and strokes in his paintings as an essential factor in expressing an idea. Therefore, this paper will offer a formal reflection on the painting and a reflection of its impact on my future as an artist.
Formal Analysis
The painting uses strokes and oil to generate color for the audience. it also uses brushes of different sizes to create the different colors shapes. The painting is divided into blocks or shapes of color. It uses a lot of strokes to combine different colors, and some brushstrokes generate textures on the canvas. The composition 8 painting by Kandinsky is a mixture of many different techniques and styles. Various lengths and brush strokes are used to create the canvas, a rectangular shape. This painting consists of a lot of motion because Kandinsky painted it in one session. He used these strokes to paint the background and the main subject. The background is a rectangular-shaped white color with black stripes and curves. The painting consists of blue, purple, orange, black, and yellow circles. It also has black, green, yellow, and blue rectangles. These combinations of colors make the painting a masterpiece that can be effectively used to explain the science of color.
The theory of color can best explain the science and origin of color. According to this theory, color results from light reflecting off a surface, meeting a second surface, and interacting with people's eyes. It's not by chance that color can vary depending on the objects around people because it is a product of nature. Color is a dazzling and abundant phenomenon. It is as ancient as life itself, and it pervades the planet. The theory of color also points out that color is a kind of radiation, and it can be analyzed as the color spectrum. Light is the composition of peculiar energy generated by an object's temperature (Margo & Harman, 2019). When a specific object gets heated up, it will radiate invisible energy in all directions, like the sun. This heat can be converted into visible light, which contains many colors. The color of an object changes when it is under different light spectra. Furthermore, some spectral colors can be produced by mixing others. When light is reflected off an object, the reflected light contains pigment, depending on the nature of the surface and its characteristic features.
The science of color can explain the colors used in Kandinsky's painting because it used many colors. The colors that the audience can see in the painting are reflected off the surface. The reflection process of color is a natural process, which explains why the color of an item cannot change. For instance, the colors that people see in this painting will remain the same colors forever.
According to the science of color, colors are a type of energy. Each color has its unique wavelength, and the wavelength is the distance from one wave crest to the next. Interactions between portions of different colors cause people to see blends of colors. One way to produce a blended color is by mixing complementary colors. Complementary colors lie opposite each other on the color wheel, with blue and yellow on one side and red and green. Another way to produce a blended color is by adding a primary color to a secondary color. For example, green added to red makes yellow. When looking at Kandinsky's painting, one can see that it has so many different colors in the painting. Besides, the art of using color in Kandinsky's paintings also follows the theory of color because of how he used contrast and complementary colors in his work. Interactions ...
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