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Different Methods in Making Decision

Essay Instructions:

Please answer each question thoroughly. Think of Nicholas Lore's book The Pathfinder as a way to set yourself up for success. This Pathfinder Summary I involves asking you a few questions about Chapters 1-14. While this book might not initially seem relevant to an Introduction to Sociology class like ours, think about C. Wright Mills and how he encourages the Sociological Imagination.
1.The Pathfinder talks about several different ways of making decisions. Which of the following method(s) do you tend to use when making decisions: logic/analysis/common sense; feelings/inclinations/passions; romantic yearnings; resonance; external sources; reaction/rebellion/compliance; random; should/yeahbuts? Discuss why you gravitate toward the particular method(s) when making decisions. Where do you think you learned how to make decisions like you do? Do you want to change the way you make decisions?
2. Reflect on a major decision you had to make in the past three years. Describe the decision, how you approached making it, which of the method(s) described in question #6 you used with the decision, and the decision's final outcome. Are you still satisfied with your decision? Why or why not?
3. Think of one major decision you will have to make in the next three years. What is the decision? Do you feel prepared to make it? What do you need to answer, find out, or consider in order to make your decision? What might some obstacles (or yeahbuts!) be in making your major decision? How might you overcome these obstacles in order to make your decision?
4. Choose ONE of the "Inquiries" that you completed from Chapters 1-14 to discuss. Which inquiry did you complete (name it) and what was the overall outcome/result of the inquiry (describe in detail what you did)? Why did you decide to complete that particular inquiry and what personal insights did you gain from doing it? How might this inquiry help in finishing school, making future decisions and planning your career?

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Pathfinder Summary
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Pathfinder Summary
Decision-making is a crucial part of everyone’s life. Every day, we get to make decisions concerning different things that affect or impact our lives in different ways. While making these decisions, we use different methods that we believe agree or align with what we are trying to achieve. For me, I often find myself gravitating towards the method of logic/analysis/common sense as well as feelings/inclinations/passions. Often, I find myself assessing a situation, thinking it through, carefully considering the pros and cons of either side of a decision, and finally making a decision after careful consideration of all factors. This method helps me ensure that I remain committed to a sensible and functional solution or approach to a problem. However, it is crucial to note that this method only suffices whenever a situation is not urgent or when I am not under a lot of pressure to find a way out of a situation. Whenever I am in a situation of utmost pressure, I have often gravitated towards the approach of feelings/inclinations/passions. In such instances, I make decisions purely by how I feel about a situation. I do not take time to think through the decision I am about to make but simply lead through what I feel makes the most sense. In such instances, I tend to trust myself in moments when I should be taking time off from a problem or a situation.
The reason why I gravitate towards these two methods when making decisions is highly dependent on the pressure attached or associated with a situation. Pressure often has me rushing and scampering to get to the end of an issue, hence my gravitation towards the feelings/inclinations/passions approach. Regarding where I learned how to make decisions as I do, I believe that I learned from my parents. My father is a calm individual who takes his time when it comes to making decisions. On the other hand, my mother is the type that will often be swayed by her feelings. In hindsight, I believe seeing how they went about life had me taking after each of them.
On the matter of changing the way I make decisions, I believe that I can get better, especially while in high-pressure situations. These situations often have me distort my approach to the logical decision-making approach. Therefore, I would like to get better at decision-making, especially in high-pressure situations.
Reflection on Past Three Years
The biggest decision in the previous three years for me has to be choosing which university to go to. For most students, choosing which university to go to is one of the most difficult decisions they make before entering adulthood. This decision is quite crucial as it helps to shape one’s life for years to come. When I got to make this decision, I took time as I assessed all the options I had. First, I wrote down all the options with their pros and cons. The ...
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