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An Event that had a Significant Impact in My Life

Essay Instructions:

Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt. font size, one-inch margins

This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No secondary sources are to be used in this essay.

The first person "I" may be used in this first essay.

Case Assignment

For this assignment, write a Narrative Essay in which you describe an event in your life that had a significant impact—a lasting impression. Remember that a narrative tells a story, so in addition to conveying the event in a clear, descriptive, chronological order, you want to engage the reader. You may do so by appealing to the reader’s emotions or possibly sharing a story your reader can relate to.

A well-organized narrative essay has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention and invite them in. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation; provide some sort of context about where and when the event took place. The last sentence of the introduction in a traditional essay is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay. In a narrative essay, the thesis might be the lesson learned or “moral” of the story. Yet you may wish not to include that piece and wait until the conclusion to reveal the “takeaway” to your reader.

A well-supported narrative essay includes plenty of details and examples that invite the reader into the story—as though they are actually there. For organizational purposes, consider the best way to break down the story into sections in the body of the essay. Remember that each body paragraph should have a main point and that all body paragraphs are cohesive—they “connect” to form a unifying story.

The conclusion, or closing, of a narrative is the big reveal and might include the lesson learned or the “moral” of the story. This takeaway should leave a lasting impression on the reader, connecting the story or experience to their world in some way.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade.

Assignment Expectations

Write an organized and cohesive narrative essay that is no less than 700 words in length.

Write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.

Clearly state and support a main point in an organized and cohesive essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Describe an Event that Had a Significant Impact on Your Life
Author's Name
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Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Describe an Event that Had a Significant Impact on Your Life
We all have had plenty of experiences in life, but some of them turn our world upside down. Be it for the better or for worse, we all experience a fleeting change in our personalities and mindset after such happenings. The same thing happened to me; the only difference is that this life-altering experience was the best one for me.
I still remember that hectic week. A couple of years ago, the turn of events completely changed how I looked at the world. I was a person of action, a mad workaholic. I would rush to work every morning faster than the tiny beads of condensation on my cup of coffee reaching down and touching the wooden surface of the table.
With my coating floating with the breeze, I would run to the field, always trying to be the first to enter the area and start training. I trained myself and others for countless hours every day for the military, aiming towards a higher rank someday; the change that I wanted to bring, the love for my country, was above all for me, maybe even myself. I would exert myself and do everything I could to stay on top of the game. I worked relentlessly every day, with only one goal: a higher rank.
The desire for power and position is unique. It turns you into a drunken person. Some give up on their health, while others, like myself, give up on friends and family. I was so keen on turning my life around and breaking stereotypes as every second went by, I didn't realize I was missing out on some crucial aspects of life. As a woman, I wanted to have power over multiple men in the military. All the years, our voices were unheard; I wanted to be the change for women. And to be the change, I needed the power.
But did I have a sense of direction? No. I had no idea how to accomplish all this. All I was d...
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