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CED Initiative: Remake Scotland

Essay Instructions:

Do not use the example like: Totnes Transition Town、 Mondragon 、Evergreen Cooperatives、Antigonish Movement、Recuperated Factories of Argentina

CED is about people in communities taking the lead in their own economic development. Given the recent reports from the IPCC, environmental concerns are increasingly being included in CED activities. Our first case study, Transition Town Totnes, demonstrated one such community-driven effort that is based on a concern for the environment.

Find an example of an environmentally-centred CED initiative that inspires you. Briefly explain what the initiative is, who is behind it, what its environmental dimension is and how it exemplifies a CED approach. Your example should a) be community-lead and b) have an economic component.

You can find examples by exploring online. Some aids for finding examples are below.

You cannot use an example or case we explored in class.

Make sure to cite sources in a footnote.

Word Limit: 500 words


IPCC report:https://www(dot)ipcc(dot)ch/report/ar6/wg3/

But Social Canada: https://www(dot)buysocialcanada(dot)com/directories/certified-social-enterprises

Social Enterprise UK: https://directory(dot)socialenterprise(dot)org(dot)uk/seuk-members/

B-Corps: Leaders: https://www(dot)bcorporation(dot)net/en-us/best-for-the-world

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Institutional Affiliation
Social, environmental and economic priorities form the main drivers for community development. The approach entails developing the economy through various initiatives while maintaining an environmentally friendly community. Different groups and individuals use the initiative in tackling societal problems. CED initiatives apply strategic and practical measures to shape and build a sustainable economic future for the residents.
What the Initiative is
An inspirational environmentally-centered CED initiative is Remake Scotland. The paper gives a detailed analysis of the Remake Scotland initiative, highlighting its economic component and how it exemplifies the CED approach.
Who is Behind it?
Remake Scotland is a community-led charity founded in 2011 that aims at promoting a sustainable environment for the benefit of the community through the reuse of materials. Volunteers and staff manage the reuse charity in Crieff. The initiative focuses on addressing a global problem using local solutions. The initiative runs various projects such as the Scrapstore project, employability program for youth, creative outreach, and tool library. The initiative focuses on quality reuse and repair materials for economic development and creating a sustainable environment. The success of the charity group is attained courtesy of the volunteers and staff.[Remake Scotland. “Why You Should Be Part of the Circular Economy... and Buy Second Hand This Christmas!” Remake Scotland Blog, February 24, 2021. https://remakescotland.co.uk/blog/why-you-should-be-part-of-the-circular-economy/.]
The Environmental Dimension
The environmental dimension for Remake Scotland initiative focuses on climate change and biodiversity loss. Remake Scotland aims to scale environmental practices by diverting landfill waste. Through reuse, the organization minimizes on carbon emissions into the atmosphere that are generated from manufacture of new products. Unused second-hand products are collected from households, thus minimizing waste disposal. Remake Scotland conducts community empowerment in creating a sustainable environment by eliminating waste and pollution. It also works to promote energy efficiency. The initiative gears...
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