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Story Of Two Monks: Metaphor Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please write a two pages essay using the technique of metaphor, which instead of directly saying the story, try to imply the meaning. Afterwards, write a short paragraph explaining what the story is hinting and implying. The story could be a personal story of a young man.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Story of Two Monks One day there were two monks who were on a journey towards their Monastery. The young monk was eager to go towards their monastery for he would finally be able to rise ranks in their religion. He firmly memorized and dogmatically practiced their rules. They had to pass a river in order to get to their destination. In their belief, if they devoted to their spiritual practice, they should avoid touching or even being in the presence of women. As they were nearing the river, they met a young woman who did not know how to swim. The woman said that she also had to get across the river. The tide of the river then was strong and the two monks were the only ones tall enough to be able to walk across the river. The older monk volunteered to carry the woman across, so that she can also go to her destination. And so, after crossing, the younger monk was outraged about the older monk’s actions but he could not tell it to the older monk. The young woman thanked the older monk happily, and went on her way. The older monk led their trip silently and continued to venture toward the mountain where their monastery is. The younger monk knew that the older monk should have known better, and yet, he broke a strict rule of their supposed spiritual devotion. Anxiety and worry crowded the young monk’s mind as they ventured toward their Monastery. He pondered if he should tell the other monks of the older monk’s misdeed. AS he couldn’t keep his mind quiet any longer, he blatantly asked the older monk – “Elder, why have you touched that woman? You know that it is forbidden in our religion. I am thinking that judgment must be vested upon you for you have broken a rule of our creed.” The Elder monk simply replied “Oh my friend, I have...
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