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Critical Appraisal Assignment. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

 Assignment: Critical Appraisal (20 pts)

Critical Appraisal Assignment: Instructions:  the paper is limited to 4-5 pages, not including title page, the appendices (1-2) and reference list.  APA style is required for all sections of the paper.  Title page should include these elements:Critical Appraisal:  _____________________*Name of student, class title and numberDate(*the second portion of the title should reflect the chosen article, such as “Biomass and tuberculosis”, “Unintended poisoning of children under 5”, “Adverse life events and postpartum psychiatric episodes”, or “Migration and HIV acquisition”)______________________________________________________________________Step 1Choose either an epidemiological case control study or a cohort study for critical appraisal from the following choices:Case Control StudiesLakshmi PVM, Virdi NK, Thakur JS, et al.  Biomass fuel and risk of tuberculosis: a case–control study from Northern India. J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66:457-461. 
Ahmed B, Fatmi Z, Siddiqui R.  SP1-9 Predictors of unintentional poisoning among children under-5 years of age in Karachi: a matched case-control study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2011; 65: A376. 
Population Based Cohort StudiesMeltzer‐Brody, S., Larsen, J. T., Petersen, L., Guintivano, J., Florio, A. D., Miller, W. C., ... & Munk‐Olsen, T. (2018). Adverse life events increase risk for postpartum psychiatric episodes: A population‐based epidemiologic study. Depression and anxiety, 35(2), 160-167.
Olawore, O., Tobian, A. A., Kagaayi, J., Bazaale, J. M., Nantume, B., Kigozi, G., ... & Gray, R. H. (2018). Migration and risk of HIV acquisition in Rakai, Uganda: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet HIV, 5(4), e181-e189. Incorporate the following components within the written appraisal paper:Step 2Select and review the appropriate Joanna Briggs Critical Appraisal tool/checklist for case control or cohort study, found in the assignment folder.  Carefully read the selected article, keeping in mind the key elements from the appropriate checklist.  Read or re-read Chapters 9, 10 and 13 (Gordis), and view the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (hyperlinked) Types of Studies in Epidemiology.NOTE: this module is required viewing for Week 11; retain the certificate of completion for submission via the appropriate NWCPHP certificate dropbox.Step 3 – Introductory paragraph to critical appraisal document:Identify and summarize, in your own words, the key health issue(s) addressed in the selected study, and its associated statistics (such as incidence and prevalence).  If the article provides tables or graphs summarizing the data, you may copy and paste these into an appendix with appropriate APA citation (appendix pages will not affect your page limit).  Identify the population at risk as described in the selected study.Step 4 – Connection to national/international health objectivesRelate the identified health issue to a national or international health objective(s).  Sources for these may include Healthy People 2020 (national), or the World Health Organization (international).Step 5 – Placing study in the context of a public health theory/modelIn the next section, you are asked to apply models or theories to the article, which may or may not itself reference these elements.If your chosen study focuses on infectious disease, place the study findings in the context of the epidemiological triangle, identifying the four elements described by Gordis in Figure 2-1, p. 19:  Host, Agent, Environment, and Vector.  If you choose a study that does not involve infectious disease, review and apply relevant health promotion theories and models as initially described in the Riverside Community Health Foundation document found in the Assignment folder for this appraisal (you are encouraged to explore additional articles and resources that further explicate your chosen model). In your paper, address how such theories/models are applicable to your chosen study and its target population.  Regardless of which study is chosen, provide a discussion about how the Web of Causation model applies to the target population (see the Ventriglio et al. article in the assignment folder for a discussion of this model and epidemiology). Step 6 – Summary of appraisalSummarize your findings:  What was the level of evidence shown in this paper, using the JBI Approach to Levels of Evidence? Provide a justification for your choice.   What were the strengths of the study, and what were the weaknesses?  What plans of action/interventions are proposed or implied?  What areas for further epidemiological research are indicated?Step 7 Complete a reference list of all articles and information sources utilized in this assignment, following APA 6th edition formattingStep 8Complete the JBI checklist and provide as an appendix.  If providing tables or charts from the article, provide as a 2nd and separate appendix.  Follow APA guidelines for how to format the appendix/appendices (you may find this source to be helpful).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hello tutor writer this bellow yellow colored is the instruction of the assignment. My actually essay start from page five. I need your help regarding the content. I want to make sure I cover everything according to the direction or the guide.
Hello! Because you’ve noted that you’re on track and ready for feedback on this paper, my comments will focus on higher order issues like thesis, organization, paragraphing, and support. I’ll also check for any reoccurring issues in style, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, or documentation. I will also check the assignment instructions to see if the assignment has been addressed. However, keep in mind that I have composition expertise but not health science expertise, so this will limit the kind of feedback I can give on your answers to the assignment.
Please keep in mind each tutor is allowed a certain amount of time to address a document. These time constraints may prevent me from leaving detailed comments on all 11 pages you have here; however, I will read and respond to the entire paper. Feel free to resubmit this paper for additional feedback if you like!
Critical Appraisal: Unintended Poisoning of Children Under 5
Critical Appraisal: Unintended Poisoning of Children Under 5
The article that has been selected for this critical appraisalthis article aims to critically appraise a case-control research article is entitled as “Predictors of Unintentional Poisoning Among Children Under Five Years Of Age In Karachi: A Matched Case-Control Study” by Ahmed, Fatmi, Siddiqui, and Sheikh, published in 2011. The article indicated that poisoning is referred to be asregarded as the 4th leading reason for children’s unintended injury, in particular among children under five. In 2004, approximately 86,000 childhood poisoning cases were reported in the emergency departments of the United States, with an average of 429.4 poisonings per 100 000 children. Certain long term physical and psychological concerns have been identified due to this kind of poisoning that result in enormous economic costs. For example, unintended poison is interpreted as 10% of entire accidental cases and 6% of “Disability Adjusted Life Years” (DALY). ….
Connection to International//National Health Objectives
The unintended poisoning is considered as an enormous worldwide health issue. According to the estimates of the World Health Organization, around 193,460 death cases were reported among the worldwide population in the year 2012 (WHO, 2019). Out of these statistics, about 84% of the unintended poisoning cases were supposed to occur in the middle-income countries and low-income countries.
Particularly in the United States, one of the prime objectives of Healthy People 2020 is to prevent the increased level of unintended poison deaths; referring to clause IVP-9.3 (HP 2020, 2019). The Healthy People 2020 records indicated that 11.1 deaths/100,000 cases in 2007 are the result of undetermined and unintentional poisoning incidents. The Healthy People 2020 as defined by “Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP)” presented its aims and preventive measures to reduce the incidences of accidental child poisoning by the year 2020. According to their guidelines, it is mandatory to place all every cleaning agents out of reach of children. These items may include any poisonous material which may contain undetermined poison.
As stated by Ahmed, Fatmi, Siddiqui, and Sheikh (2011), the major hazards for poisoning include the incidents of household cleaning products, insecticides, medicines, petrol, and kerosene. All drugs should be relocked in the safe cabinets out of children’s sight as well as all cleaning agents should be placed far from children’s reach (ODPHP, 2015). Furthermore, another preventive measure has been presented by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the form of “National Poison Prevention Week.” This week is organized during March’s 3rd week every year (CDC, 2015). This program provides an opportunity for the community members to increase their knowledge and awareness regarding the unintentional poisoning case among children and share preventive measure to decrease the level of such kind of incidences at the domestic level.
Public Health Theory/Model
For this topic, Ecological Approaches Model has been selected. The rationale for selecting this model is its diversity of covering different levels of influences, such as interpersonal, intrapersonal, community, institutional, and public policy. Childhood incidences may be intentional or unintentional. Out of all unintentional incidences, a major cause of injuries occurs in homes due to falls, poisoning, suffocation, and exposure to hazardous materials (Sleet, 2018). For this topic, Ecological Approaches Model has been selected. The rationale for selecting this model is its diversity of covering different levels of influences, such as interpersonal, intrapersonal, community, institutional, and public policy. According to Riverside Community Health Foundation guidelines, the effective interferences should cover different levels as diverse subsystems in the environment usually control health measures, including social environments, physical environments, economics, traditions, beliefs, workplace, community, and family (CDC, 2002). Therefore, the Ecological Approaches Model should be applied to raise awareness about the increasing prevalence of unintended childhood prevalence as it emphasizes both the individual-level parameters and population-level parameters of health interventions. This ecological approach would highlight that the issue of unintended children poisoning is not merely individually focused, rather it is a community-based issue. Therefore, providing a safe ecological environment will ultimately result in a decreased prevalence of such incidences.
Application of Web of Causation Model
It has been suggested that a casual liner sequence of different factors may not fully cover every aspect of the sequence and might get overlapped in additional complex interaction (Ventriglio, Bellomo, & Bhugra, 2016). This leads to a more metaphorical term to highlight disease-causing events, known as “Web of Causation.” The web of causation presents some causative factors provided that every factor possesses its importance for the identification of determinants and presentation of adequate intervention (Ventriglio, Bellomo, & Bhugra, 2016). The application of “Web of Causation Model” for unintended children’s poisoning cases will provide a significant way of comprehending the underlying factors and their connection to the social determinants and biomedical etiological factors.
According to the web of causation, the health care determinants at both the individual level as well as larger social networks are considered as effective parameters for reporting the unintended cases. The individual interventions may be applied on domestic levels as mentioned by the preventive measures that should be implemented in homes. Furthermore, at the population health level or higher-level intervening, social policies should be developed that raise knowledge about unintended poisoning among under-five children to minimize the accidental risk. This research was conducted in Pakistan which is a low income and developing country, constituting of approximately 24 million under-five children (Ahmed, Fatmi, Siddiqui, and Sheikh, 2011). Therefore, the causation factor indicates that this country is potentially prone to such events. In particular, this analytical epidemiological research was dedicated to the fundamental household determinants which are considered to have an association with poisoning incidents.
Summary of Appraisal
This appraisal has been developed under the guidelines of “Joanna Briggs Institute Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation Working Party” (JBI, 2013). Further, a JBI checklist has been provided in the appendix section (refer to Appendix 1). This research was aimed at analyzing the underlying factors of unintentional poisoning cases involving children under five-years-old under five children brought to the emergency departments of three major hospitals located in Karachi, Pakistan. Since it was a matched case-control research, it lies under Level 3 of JBI Levels of Evidence that accounts for observational and analytic designs, in particular, Level 3.d for case-controlled studies. The rationale justification for selecting this research is the increasing prevalence of unintended incidences of childhood poisoning despite the introduction of various preventive measures. Furthermore, being primary research, the strength of this study is that itthis study provides original evidence of the incidences as mentioned earlier. The research was conducted in 3 three large health care settings located in Karachi including 360 controls and 120 cases. The main results obtained from the research are presented as Table 1 and Table 2 containing the descriptive analysis of poisoning incidents and distribution of cases by age, respectively (refer to Appendix 2).
There are diverse strengths of this case-control research. For instance, it was supposed to be the first epidemiological research that emphasized the underlying factors of unintended poisonings from South Asia. Also, the research validity of the research was also maintained by specifying the analytical design and defining the measures used to minimize the potential bias. It assisted in the comprehension of relations between determinants and unintentional poisonings.
On the other hand, there are some limitations or weaknesses in the study as well. Since it was a facility-based study, the probability of selection bias may not be excluded. Moreover, the researchers did not consider the prospect of interviewer bias. This is because only behavioral issues were inquired by the interviewers, aggressiveness for instance, which might be different for the caregiver involved in the cases as compared to that of controls.
Several interventions have been suggested in order to eliminate the risk of unintended poisoning children under five-years-oldamong under five children. For instance, it is important to conduct parental education for an increase in...
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