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Critical Incident Questionnaire

Essay Instructions:

The Critical Incident Technique can be used to reflect on situations in which things don't go the way we'd like, whether through our own error or because of other issues. In this assignment, you'll be reflecting on one of these situations related to your personal information management.

To prepare for this assignment, read Keeping Found Things Found, page 255 (attached file)

Think of a time in recent memory that you had an issue related to finding information. This could relate to finding new information or re-finding information you thought you’d already found (an email, a website, a document, etc.).

Describe this incident and write a short narrative (at least 250 words), responding to the following questions:

What was the reason this incident occurred?

What did you do in response to the incident?

How did you feel while you were dealing with the incident?

What was the outcome of the incident?

How do you think you’ll do things differently in the future as a result of this incident?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critical Incident Questionnaire Name Institution Due Date Critical Incident Questionnaire I always like to store all my assignments. I have a parent folder called assignments where all of my assignments are stored. In this folder, there are different folders with the description of the documents kept inside. The purpose of keeping these is to help me gauge my growth as a writer. I intend to keep growing, and the only way I can do this is to ensure that I improve my writing by ensuring that I avoid the mistakes I have been making. So far, this idea has worked, but recently, I had to take time to re-find one document. Having thought for a long time that I had it in one of the folders, I realized that it was not there and that I had ...
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