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An Analysis of the Structure of the Modern Short Story "A Haircut in Toulouse"

Essay Instructions:

In "The Structure of the Modern Short Story" (see link below), A. L. Bader talks about a popular complaint that there is not much plot development in a modern short story. Which story in Week 2 "fits the bill"? Do you think this is a fair charge against this story? Why or why not? Two hundred (200) words or more in 12 point. If you feel that going over 200 words will allow you to do a more adequate answer, do not let the word count limit you.

You must post your answer by midnight Friday. The assignment will close at the deadline and no late submissions are accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Analysis Of The Structure Of The Modern Short Story
Student's Name
Professor's Name
English 102
February 07, 2019
"A Haircut In Toulouse" by William March is a story in week two that does not have much plot development. Yes, I do think that it is a fair charge to say that this short story does not have much plot development. The process of the narration of the storyline in "A Haircut In Toulouse" exhibits indirection ( Bader, 1945). This means that there is no smooth transition from one event and situation to the next as this short story is narrated. Because of this, the readers, then, are apt to find it difficult to follow the sequence of the narration of events and situations in "A Haircut In Toulouse," as they are reading this short story. Not many readers may want to read this short story due to the indirect form of a narration of situations in it. Once readers have discovered the indirect form of a narration of this short story upon reading it, they may not recommend it to their family members, relatives, and friends to also read this story.
Additionally, because there are a couple of scenes in "A Haircut In Toulouse" that appear not to relate to each other (Bader, 1945), it is valid to say that there is not much plot development...
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