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One Potential Scene Of A Narrative Essay

Essay Instructions:

In this short assignment (1.5 pages typed, minimum), please write one potential scene from your forthcoming narrative assignment.

Once you have your story, write Short 1. This is only one scene (action, place, dialogue) from your story. As an example, consider any of the Cheever scenes (the bars, buying the newspaper, meeting his father for the first time). In actuality, except for the start and end, the entire story is one long scene that you can break up into little scenes

Remember that a scene includes:




As you know, scenes are designed to tell, rather than show. To evoke a sense of pathos in a story, use details that add to the rich context of your story.

At the end: your scene will also need to prove a point through reflection. This can be done in several sentences.

The start: if you need a one-sentence overall point, go right ahead, otherwise dive into the mood.

When grading this paper, I’ll look for use of the three basic scene components, and how they form a piece of a larger story. I will also grade on reflection and grammar.

I understand that you may write this scene and decide against the topic. That choice is a natural part of the writing process, and will not count against you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

One Potential Scene of a Narrative Essay
One Potential Scene of a Narrative Essay
Short 1
The very minute I woke up I immediately knew I was not in the right place. I could not remember much of what had happened earlier apart from a heavy object landing on my head before I passed out. I could feel a numbing pain coursing through my exhausted body as I struggled to take in my new surroundings albeit fearfully. There I was sitting handcuffed in the scariest place I had never imagined existed. The room was dimly lit, and from the corner of my bleeding eye, I could see one of “them” seated at the furthest end deeply engrossed in smoking his cigarette. The floor under my feet was littered with what appeared to be human bones while the rest of the room reeked heavily of dung. The persistent flickering of the bulb and the occasional throaty coughs by the man in the corner added to the eeriness of the place. I tried to move my legs in order to look for any signs of a door or window but the rickety chair I was handcuffed to started creaking, and I knew I had to stop unless someone heard me. I longed for an explanation about what I had done to deserve this and to whom I had done it.
It did not take long before my worst fears were confirmed. While I sat there still contemplating my fate and the possible escape plan, in came two other men with black hoods over their heads and brandishing samurai swords. To say the least, I was scared out of my wits to the extent that the mere act of breathing set my nostrils on fire.
“Please let me go...please!” I started pleading when I saw them whispering something to the first guy and then began heading my way. None of them uttered a word as they kept coming and finally sto...
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