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Self Awareness Reflection. Strengths. Areas that need attention

Essay Instructions:

the requirements are attached (Chapt 1 Written assignment). I basic about I did 5 tests for my personality and base on the result, to write about 800 words. it is DUE 3 HOURS LATER, no matter the quality plz try your best to finish it! Thanks

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Self-Awareness Reflection
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One of the strengths that I have discovered is the ability to increase my self-awareness. This is a key aspect in a person's life because it plays a substantial role in helping them to make important life choices. Such choices begin from the learning environment to the person's career path and the out-of-school environment. My strength in this component has enabled me to have an open mind when it comes to the act of receiving feedback. This has helped me in my class work because I take all the feedback from my classmates and professors positively. In turn, I use such feedback to improve on my learning skills and to perfect on my weak areas. Being able to intelligently process information is an indication that a person is acting maturely and therefore, this would, in turn, enable the person to perfectly control their emotions. I have found myself on several occasions whereby I get offended, but instead of reacting immediately, I am able to control my emotions and make a sound decision at a time when I can think clearly. I think this strength of self-awareness explains the reasons as to why I am easy in making friends and people often feel comfortable around me. In addition, self-awareness plays a substantial role in my life by helping me process information in an intelligent way both in class and out of the school, environment. I am confident about this skill because it will help me relate well with my workmates in the future. I will also be a productive employee due to the act that I take feedback positively and am able to correct my mistakes whenever possible. The job market requires an open-minded individual and, this can only be brought about by self-awareness. When you understand your mind, it becomes easy to deal with the environment around you. Therefore, I plan to hold onto this strength because it has helped me a lot in different aspects of life.
Areas that need attention
Throughout the survey, I have realized that I scored the second quartile in the locus of control. This is an indication that I have ...
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