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Stopping deforestation can prevent pandemics

Essay Instructions:

In the following writing task, you will be assessing the claims and support used in a short article. Please pay special attention to the use of facts and statistics used to support a claim.


Write a 100-200 word paragraph assessing the evidence used.

1. The first sentence needs to have the following information: The title of the article, the full name of the author (year of publication), and your opinion about the evidence in the article (whether you think it was persuasive or not). You should also include the main argument (the main idea) of the article.

2. Use a transition word to indicate that now you will start writing about the first reason why you think the article's evidence is strong or not...

Then, give the first reason: is it that the author is using many, few, barely any, or no facts? What type of facts? Give an example of the facts used and document each with a paragraph number indicating the paragraph in which that fact was used. Explain why that particular type of fact is considered to be strong, somewhat strong, weak... Use the posted files explaining each different type of facts and what makes it strong or not.

3. Then provide the second reason for your opinion at the start of this paragraph. Is there any counterarguments in this article? If so, tell me what it is, and the paragraph number where you found it. Is counterargument and refutation a strong strategy/ strong piece of evidence? Explain why.

4. Now provide the third reason for your opinion at the start of this paragraph. You may take one opinion that the author is using to prove the main argument, and decide whether it is logical or not. If you want to do this, you cannot just make a judgment based on whether you agree or disagree with that opinion - you will have to go to the file explaining the process of figuring out the logic of claims and follow it step by step.

5. Conclude the analysis paragraph with a statement that reiterates your opinion about the evidence in the article in the first sentence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stopping deforestation can prevent pandemics
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The article, “Stopping deforestation can prevent pandemics,” published on 1st June 2020 by Scientific American editors, discusses how deforestation continues to cause the rise of highly infectious viruses such as Ebola and SARS-CoV-2. Based on the documented findings, its evidence is persuasive enough to support this topic, in my opinion.
The first reason why the article’s evidence is strong is it utilizes direct evidence to support its argument. In paragraph one; the editors create a direct link between cutting down trees and the emergence of the diseases. For instance, they explain that the disease-causing pathogens primarily live in wild animals, and through clearing trees and forests, people come into contact with the animals, and the microbes transfer to them, hence the diseases.
The second reason...
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