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Spiritual Essay: "5 Flights Up" by Morgan Freeman

Essay Instructions:

watch the movie "5 Flights Up" by Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton, and follow the instruction below:

To facilitate this reflection you will submit the following 5-paragraph essay:

Introduction to include: day, time, location of experience, why this particular spiritual experience was chosen, and what you expected from this spiritual experience

Describe with details how you felt as you engaged in this spiritual experience.

Reflection of the spiritual experience using 3 reflection questions provided below.

Address how the experience resonates with the values inherent in the University Mission Statement and your own values.

Conclusion to include: how you were impacted by this spiritual experience.

Spiritual Reflection Questions

Use those questions that are of interest to you or appropriate to your service to write your journal entry. Note: do not type these questions verbatim into your journal. They are to be used to guide your reflection and should be woven into the narrative of your journal.

How do you define "spiritual"?

How has the pandemic affected your spirituality?

Do you ever experience a longing for something spiritual in your life?

Are you comfortable with things of a spiritual nature? Why or why not?

Do you pray and if so, how?

How does believing in God or practicing a religion influence your life?

Who have you had an influence on, either positively or negatively? How do you feel about that?

What are the obstacles that keep you from living a spiritual life?

What experiences in your life have inspired you to make a change in your behavior or attitude?

What is it that you truly value? How do you express those values?

For the first paragraph(time, date location) It's Tuesday, Oct, 27th at 6 pm. in classroom PSC 101.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Spiritual Essay
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Spiritual Essay
I had my spiritual experience after watching 5 Flights Up at six pm on Tuesday the 27th of October in classroom PSC 101. I chose to watch the movie because I wanted to take away something meaningful from my spiritual experience. Based on a general understanding of the film, I expected it to address old age issues and how being in the company of a loving partner can help one navigate this.
From the beginning, I felt that I related to the main characters in the movie because their long-standing marriage and partnership is something I have always wanted to have. Ruth and Alex are so comfortable with themselves, making it even easier to watch the film. Nowadays, it is tough to come across films that showcase marriage as an enduring institution. Today in western society, divorce is so common that many view marriage as a scheduled stage in life. However, watching 5 Flights Up gave me hope that marriage can still be a sacred and long-lasting institution. Still, it did not help that the couple were so aged, and, therefore, their opinions of life might be different from those of individuals growing up in the twenty-first century.
I define "spiritual" as something that touches my soul. Something that brings out who I am as a human above all other things. It is easy to get lost in the world's niceties, but it is always refreshing to have something that jolts you back to your main purpose in life. A movie like 5 Flights Up does just that. It helps me come into touch with the better version of myself.
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