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Genogram- Discussion Board

Essay Instructions:

Completing a genogram of your own family will help you understand the purpose and usefulness for completing genograms with your patients. A genogram is important in relation to family assessment but is also a useful self-reflection tool.

Complete a genogram of your family. You may draw it, sketch it etc. You do need to turn this in as a part of your post and as such, do not include material which you do not want to share with others. Include at these 3 generations (i.e., you, your parents, and your grandparents). Please identify the following on your genogram (use the example identified in the readings for week 11):

• Names, dates of marriage/births/deaths/separations/divorces (month & year), cultural/ethnic/religious affiliations for all significant family members.

• Other information like immigration, occupation, education, city/state of residence, illnesses, substance abuse, mental health. Add descriptive information that clarifies relationships as needed (e.g., drug use, in jail, etc.) You may create a “legend’ if additional explanation is warranted.

• Show schematically the nature of key relationships (e.g., closeness, distance, conflicts).

• Conversations with family members around these areas provide new insight. It is helpful to contact siblings, parents, uncles/aunts, grand parents for corroborating information.


After you are finished with your genogram: Post it! Then think about Bowens 8 intergenerational principles and how they might apply to your family. Post your thoughts/analysis on Discussion Board 4. Do not share any information that is too personal or makes you feel uncomfortable. Include how you could see the usefulness of this tool in practice, either in individual or family therapy.

I know you need a lot of information regarding this assignment related to my family. So you can let me know what questions do you have.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Genogram- Discussion Board
A genogram is an advanced form of a family tree describing relationships between members, behavioral patterns, historical health-related facts, individual lifestyle, and other family dynamics (Aj Gretz, 2020). It represents two or more generations depending on the information needed by professionals (therapists or medical doctors) to better understand family issues. Dr. Murray Bowen, a psychiatrist, described a theory with eight principles explaining human behavior. The Extended Family Systems Therapy (the 1960s) aims to increase differentiation among individual family members by motivating those in emotional contact with others in a nuclear or extended family. Below are the eight principles of Bowen's theory:
The Levels of Differentiation of Self: The concept depicts that families and social groups influence people's thinking, feeling, and action. However, different people vary in their levels of susceptibility to "groupthink," depending on the level of differentiation. In our culture, parents dominate their kids and decide everything. Some family friends live in an unhappy marriage because parents arranged it. Such decisions will affect the kids later in life.
The Emotional/Nuclear Triangle: The second concept describes a stable network of human relationships that manage anxiety, marital issues, emotional distance, and many other problems. If there are problems like a fight in our family, we all solve family problems. Even if one of us is sick or has other issues, we support each other.
Family Projection Process: It describes how parents transmit their relationship problems, anxiety, and emotional issues to their child(ren). My father is depressed, and he quickly transferred the depression because we are not in a good relationship. Some kids in my neighborhood drop out of school because of bad parents' relationships.
Multigenerational Transmission System: The conc...
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