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International Studies: Millenials

Essay Instructions:

In 2-3 pages (double-spaced), discuss at length a group you belong to. Remember to use the vocabulary we’ve established over the past 4 weeks to detail how your group is a sociological phenomenon (rather than just something that you experience)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running head: MILLENNIALS1
Millennials: My Group
Student Name
College/University Affiliation


Millennials: My Group
Millennials are now believed to be an up and coming force in online marketplaces. Designated digital natives, Millennials share several general and personal attributes, making such a group a social and cultural phenomenon. Essentially, Millennials are tech-savvy, active users of social networks, extremely job mobile, and, of course, avid consumers of infotainment content. These commonalities make Millennials a social group par excellence. However, Millennials' departure as a unique social group from, say, Generation X, is radical so much, so Millennials are increasingly considered harbingers of a whole new culture of different language and sensibilities. Today, Millennials cut across class, educational background, nationality, ethnicity, and religion lines and are connected globally across vast (virtual) networks of social exchange, communication, and interaction. As a college student, I fall easily into the Millennials social group. To understand where and how I belong to Millennials, a closer examination is required of perhaps my routine and non-routine activities and habits. Accordingly, this short essay aims to identify and discuss the attributes I exhibit, making me part of a wider social/cultural phenomenon referred to as Millennials.
I cannot leave my mobile phone for a second. Indeed, I do almost everything using my mobile phone: checking assignments, shopping, gaming, socializing, and much more. Using my cell phone is not, accordingly, a matter of utility but a lifestyle pervading each and every detail of my life as a college student, son, sibling, friend, and so on and so forth in many social circles I move in. In contrast to my parents (Generation X), I use my mobile phone – and, of course, a wide range of portable devices, includin...
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