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Literature & Language
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Substance Abuse Disorder. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. In thinking about a future role of a counselor, does the concept of comorbid disorders overwhelm you in any way? Why or why not?

2. Chapter 10 has an excellent discussion of ethical and legal issues with groups. Identify two or three issues explored in this discussion and identify how the discussion influenced your thinking about this aspect of using group therapy for the treatment of addictions.

3. How might the values and cultural biases of a counselor influence his or her view of the material presented in this chapter?

4. Find a current research article related to the effects of 12 step groups. Summarize the article, cite it, and discuss reflect on what this article taught you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Substance Abuse Disorder
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Substance Abuse Disorder
Comorbidity refers to the occurrence of two or even more illnesses or disorders in an individual. These can occur all at once or one first, followed by the other. The interactions that develop between the conditions can increase the severity of both. Substance use disorders (SUDs) comorbidity with other mental illnesses are highly and extensively correlated, showing the need to involve counselors in assisting such individuals to overcome these conditions (Crowe, Eggleston, Douglas & Porter, 2020). The concept of comorbid disorders does not overwhelm me as I think about the counselor's future role in helping individuals with comorbid conditions improve their mental health and wellness. As such, persons' mental needs continue to grow, the knowledge and strategies counselors use continue to perfect, and their experience continues increasing as they deal with more cases. With the rapidly changing technology, more ways of dealing with persons suffering from SUDs will be established and implemented, making the roles of counselors easier.
Most comorbidity disorder treatment is done in specific groups created to act as primary interventions replacing individual counseling. There are legal and ethical issues that present themselves in most of these groups. One of the problems is a leader’s competence, which arises when a particular leader's personal experience and formal training differ from the recovery model implemented. Ethical leaders responsible for addiction groups must perform more tasks than just adhering to the experience and training minimal requirements. Another issue is guaranteeing total confidentiality to members. This is an issue because group leaders can only ensure their privacy but not that of other group members. Group counselors establish ground rules with members concerning confidentiality, whi...
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