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Forum. Katherine Anne Porter’s Pale Horse, Pale Rider.

Essay Instructions:

Weekly forum (Friday) Katherine Anne Porter's story Pale Horse, Pale Rider.

Read as much as you can in Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider, the first work we've studies from the 20th-century. But pay attention to the first four pages (179-183). Who is "Graylie," who is the "greenish stranger" that the narrator references (180), and what, in general, is happening? In essence, provide some general set-up, but also look at some of the early imagery incorporated.

Please post this response by Friday at 11:59. The response need only be 250 words or so. Do quote from the story.

Read as much as you can in Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider, the first work we've studies from the 20th-century. But pay attention to the first four pages (179-183). Who is "Graylie," who is the "greenish stranger" that the narrator references (180), and what, in general, is happening? In essence, provide some general set-up, but also look at some of the early imagery incorporated.

Please post this response by Friday at 11:59. The response need only be 250 words or so. Do quote from the story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Katherine Anne Porter’s
Pale Horse, Pale Rider
[date]In essence, Katherine Anne Porter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider (1936) is a narrative series of her autobiography during the 1918 influenza pandemic and the starting of world war I. The general idea of the book is to tell Porter's real-life narrative of falling in love, falling ill, and dreaming of being chased by death amid the influenza pandemic and world war. Pale Horse, Pale Rider is the third narrative in Porter's book of the same title. In this narrative, Miranda, Porter's autobiographical identity, dreams of waking up to an unfamiliar space where she has to "outrun Death and the Devil" (Porter, 1936, p. 181). Miranda has three horses (Graylie, Ms. Lucy, and Fiddler) to choose from, which will accompany her on her journey to get awa...
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