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Literature & Language Essay: Black Nationalism

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Black Nationalism
Malcom X Paper
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How is this similar or different from at least one other theory we have covered in this class?
In the speech, Malcom X’s black nationalism philosophy meant he was championing for the development of black people lives in all spheres of their lives. He was calling for investment to bring down the economic, political and social obstacles that stifle the black people. Black nationalism philosophy preached by Malcom X in this speech differs from African socialism. African socialism refers to the philosophy preached by few African leaders of mid-20th century who called for their countrymen and countrywomen to share their resources traditionally as opposed to classical socialism. Some of these leaders were Julius Nyerere and Kwame Nkrumah. The definition of how they applied African socialism varied considerable between the leaders but they shared the desire to reject capitalism in favor of their systems.
What role (if any) does Black Nationalism have today?
Black nationalism philosophy seeks to empower the African American demographic. The tools they use to achieve its objectives may change but fundamentally, the reasons for its existence are to improve the social, economic and political standing of the black people. Historically, the blacks have been sidelined in the social, economic and political spheres which have left them comparatively at a disadvantage compared to the whites. The blacks struggle to have equal opportunities like other races. Therefore, black nationalism today seeks to push for change in how economic resources are shared to ensure tha...
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