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Geography: A Comprehensive Plan in the Community

Essay Instructions:

Word limit: 350-600 words per question.

You may double or single-space your answers but please keep to the word limit. You do not need to

include a bibliography. However, all sources should be cited correctly, with a page number for

direct quotes. Here are examples of the type of in-text citation you should include:

• (Levy 2017) → citing an idea from the textbook

• (Class lecture, 9/10/20) → after citing something that I said in class but was not mentioned

anywhere else

**Any essay that does not have its sources cited in-text will suffer an automatic letter-grade


List and describe the steps of the comprehensive planning process. Be as detailed as you can. For

instance, what kinds of questions are asked, and what kind of data are collected, during each step?

What other activities contribute the comprehensive planning process? How do the products from

one step inform the next? Your answer will be most effective if you start with a *short*

description/definition of the comprehensive plan.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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A comprehensive plan is a fundamental plan that guides the development of a community (Levy, 2016). One of the traits of a comprehensive plan is that it covers the entire community. Also, it is normally long-term. A comprehensive planning process involves planning research, formulation of community goals, plan formulation, plan implementation, and review and revision (Levy, 2016).
The research phase of planning helps to provide the planners with a general idea of the demographics within the community they are planning for. Besides identifying the current state of events, planners can draw projections. This research phase involves intense data gathering on land use/ownership and population (Levy, 2016). The kinds of questions asked are who owns certain pieces of land, and how are they used? What is the current population number, and how is it expected to grow? What is the projected flow of traffic in the community?
Formulating goals and objectives is key ...
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