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Geography and Styles of Planning

Essay Instructions:

Word limit: 350-600 words per question.

You may double or single-space your answers but please keep to the word limit. You do not need to

include a bibliography. However, all sources should be cited correctly, with a page number for

direct quotes. Here are examples of the type of in-text citation you should include:

• (Levy 2017) → citing an idea from the textbook

• (Class lecture, 9/10/20) → after citing something that I said in class but was not mentioned

anywhere else

**Any essay that does not have its sources cited in-text will suffer an automatic letter-grade


According to Chapter 6, there are five main different styles of planning that vary depending on

the individual and/or where they are located. List the five different styles of planning and explain

each of them in detail. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different? Are any of

them used more or less than the others? In your comparisons, be sure to describe the motivations of

each approach. Draw connections between real-life conditions in American cities and the

motivations for these different styles of planning.

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Styles of planning differ with place and individuals. There are five main styles of planning. The first style involves the planner as a neutral public servant (Levy, 2016). In this style, the planner relies completely on his expertise to advise community members on the best way to develop their community. The second style involves the planner as a builder of community consensus. Unlike older views that held that the planner should remain non-political, this style suggests that a planner should show political interest since a plan often has to be implemented through political will. The third planning style has a planner as an entrepreneur. Planners do not venture into planning to become businesspersons. However, the job of planning often leads them to become entrepreneurs. The fourth style of planning involves the planner as an advocate. In this style, the planner acts as an advocate of a certain group and chooses to advance certain interests. The fifth style sees the pla...
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