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Discussion: Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

You should write 2 paragraphs for each question.

1) How is the desire to achieve greatness portrayed in Frankenstein - as something noble or ignoble? Does Shelley want us to scorn Victor's ambition, or does she suggest that there's something to admire about it? In formulating your answer, consider Victor's speech to Walton's crew (pp. 265-266) as well as other episodes in the text (include some quotes).

2) What key similarities do you see between Victor and Gilgamesh? Do their stories have the same message, or do you notice important differences?

3) "When you think about your own life, how important is it to you to leave a legacy behind (to make a mark on the world)? In order to lead a truly 'good life', must a person achieve something for which he'll be remembered long after he's gone?"

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Discussion: Frankenstein
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Discussion: Frankenstein
Question One
In Frankenstein, the desire to achieve greatness is portrayed as a noble act. Even though he created the monster, his ambition and goal were to create something good. His ambitions were fueled by science and his desire to learn. He wanted to build his reputation and do something great for humanity. He wanted to bring the dead back to life. “… I thought that if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time renew life where death had devoted the body to corruption (Shelley, n.d.).” He eventually conducted experiments and created a creature, although his actions were accompanied by a feeling of guilt because he had created a monster. Most of the characters in the book have positive thoughts about Victor. Victor’s desire to achieve greatness is portrayed as noble when M. Waldman finally showed admiration by referring to Victor as his “disciple” and by telling him that “…I have no doubt of your success (Shelley, n.d.).” Even Walton considers Victor a noble man who was only a victim. In one of his letters, he writes, “How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by misery without feeling the most poignant grief (Shelley, n.d.)?”
Shelley portrays Victor as an admirable man. He was admired by his professor at Ingolstadt. Victor indicates that M. Waldman, his professor at the university, “expressed the most heartfelt exultation” in his progress with his work and ambitions (Shelley, n.d.). By portraying Frankenstein as someone who went for what he wanted, Shelley wants us to admire his ambition. She further pushes us to admire Victor’s ambition through Victor’s speech to Walton’s crew. When Walton crew demanded to go home even though they had not achieved their mission, Victor told them that they should return to their families “as heroes who have fought and conquered and who know not what it is to turn their backs on the foe (Shelley, n.d.).” Victor convinces the crew to stay because he reminds them of their ambition, which is something to be admired.
Question Two
Victor and Gilgamesh share two key similarities. One, they both pursue greatness so that they can have a great reputation. Victor does so by pursuing science to create a creature while Gilgamesh does so by pursuing fame. Two, they both had to encounter great losses in their journey...
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