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Discussion board: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Essay Instructions:

Question #1

After reading introductions to the various modalities, describe one therapy in detail; (history, specific techniques, define concepts, identify steps etc.)


question 2-

Michael is a 32-year-old Caucasian male that currently lives at home with his mother and father. He describes discord with his parents and feels as though they are “pushing him out of his home” too early. Michael spends much of his time engaging in online games and does not currently work. He does not typically leave his home, as he states, “what is the point? Everything I need is already in the house.” He recently attended a concert at the Gorge Amphitheatre, and states that he enjoyed his time there very much. In assessing Michael, you have learned that he is quite gifted in technology, and taught himself complex computer programming using online tutorials. Michael shares that he previously attended college but “everyone there was so stupid. It made me more stupid just by staying there, so I quit”. Michael has several “online friends” but rarely engages with his local friends. Regarding his local friends, Michael states “they have conformed to society and are getting married and working and having kids and all that.”

What therapeutic approach do you think you will use to help this patient?

What therapeutic approach will you likely avoid and why?

Question #3

Phaelin is a 23-year-old Thai-American female that has a history of Trauma (history of surviving a natural disaster as a child) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She shares that she has difficulty with nightmares and regulating her emotions. She relates “Sometimes I just feel as though I am reliving my trauma over and over.” Phaelin also shares that she is currently 10 weeks pregnant with her first child, and is not currently in a relationship.

What therapy will your treatment plan include?

As a psychiatric specialist, what questions will you ask this patient that she has not already shared?

What areas of Phaelin’s brain do you theorize have been affected most by her trauma? Explain why you think this.

Question 4-

Briefly compare and contrast the theories of Kohut, Sullivan, Mahler, and Erikson. Describe their similarities and differences. (Keep this less than a paragraph on each).

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Discussion Board
Name Course Instructor Date
Question #1After reading introductions to the various modalities, describe one therapy in detail; (history, specific techniques, define concepts, identify steps etc.)
Dr. Aaron T. Beck proposed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in 1960 through the use of psychoanalysis to treat depression by focusing on automatic thoughts (Beck Institute, 2020). CBT can help one to change their way of thinking (cognitive) and acting (behavioral) and these changes improve the mental health outcomes as the therapy targets thoughts and feelings. CBT focuses on current and difficulties highlighting the need to improve the current thoughts and moods. CBT helps to understand complex problems by breaking them down issues into smaller parts where the therapy addresses specific thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors.
The therapy can be done individually or in a group using a self-help book or computer program. In the case of individual therapy, the client meets with a therapist for sessions, weekly or biweekly. In the first sessions, the therapist focuses on the appropriateness of the treatment. The therapist also asks questions about the past, while also focusing on the present. Decisions are made on whether to deal with the therapeutic intervention in the short, medium, and long term, wherein each session there is agreement on what to discuss. 
Question 2-Michael is a 32-year-old Caucasian male that currently lives at home with his mother and father. He describes discord with his parents and feels as though they are “pushing him out of his home” too early. Michael spends much of his time engaging in online games and does not currently work. He does not typically leave his home, as he states, “what is the point? Everything I need is already in the house.” He recently attended a concert at the Gorge Amphitheatre, and states that he enjoyed his time there very much. In assessing Michael, you have learned that he is quite gifted in technology, and taught himself complex computer programming using online tutorials. Michael shares that he previously attended college but “everyone there was so stupid. It made me more stupid just by staying there, so I quit”. Michael has several “online friends” but rarely engages with his local friends. Regarding his local friends, Michael states “they have conformed to society and are getting married and working and having kids and all that.”What therapeutic approach do you think you will use to help this patient?
The cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches focusing on improving positive interactions with others so that Michael becomes more comfortable building relationships and interacting. Michael will be able to learn about his thoughts and behaviors, where reframing his thoughts and using positive coping strategies helps. Michael avoids social situations and has several online friends, but does not seem to have genuine and positive relations offline.
What therapeutic approach will you likely avoid and why?
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) mainly treats to treat mood disorders and distress and would not be a good option for Michael who is apprehensive of social situations. While IPT is useful to improve social functioning and interpersonal relationships, Michael would need to accept the need to enhance his interpersonal functioning. The approach would also require modification to be suitable for treating Michael and addressing social...
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