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Human skill is an essential resource

Essay Instructions:

For the midterm, you will have to find an article you will need to present the article as a video if you feel strongly about a topic we haven't covered and are interested in presenting on it contact me PRIOR to investing your time in it. This doesn't have to be a huge undertaking, research a topic and present a short video (4-5 minutes long) as if you were to explain it to someone. It can be instructional in nature or conversational.
Acceptable article topics:
Data Analytics
HR (including recruiting, Employee Outreach, PR)
Social Media Platforms
(If you are unsure of a topic email me)
Please insert the link to the Youtube video.
Make sure link is sent to UNPUBLISHED but NOT PRIVATE (Follow the same directions for posting the Elevator Pitch video)
Make sure you have dressed appropriately (no sweatshirts or messy t-shirts.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short Video
Short Video
Human skill is an essential resource needed in every organization to facilitate production activities. Human resource refers to the people working for an organization and the department in charge of managing employees. Human resource as a department entails managing these workers and the resources they use in their day-to-day responsibilities. Notably, human resource management is a critical department in any organization. Human resources management entails recruiting and inducting employees, orienting, training, compensation, monitoring employee welfare, and building good relations with them. Human resource management performs several managerial functions, including planning, organizing, directing, staffing, and control ("Human Resource Management - What is HRM?" 2020). Moreover, this department performs other operative functions such as procurement, compensation, maintenance, motivation, integration, and development. Furthermore, Human Relations also entails public relations since the employees represent the company's image. Therefore human resource management is concerned with how the employees present themselves to the public.
Recruitment is a significant area of focus in the human resource sector. In this regard, human resource professionals should ensure that the recruitment process is well-defined, and follows a correct procedure to select the best talent. The recruitment process is essential in building a particular company's capacity to offer better services through talented workers' employment. During the recruitment process, the human resource managers should ensure equal opportunity to all employees regardless of their race, religion, or gender. The human resource professionals need to incorporate a few things during the recruitment process, ensuring its success. Human resource management should ensure that the application process is appealing to the candidates by simplifying it. They should also ensure that the job postings are visible everywhere, including on their websites and in promotional messages through emails, enabling them to attract prosp...
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