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French VS American Friendship

Essay Instructions:

This exercise is based on the Carroll reading. There are four things you need to explain in terms of the differences between French and American friendships. First, what are differences in helping a friend, and what is different about the circumstances under which help would be provided? Second, both the French and Americans are supposed to be supportive of their friends – how is what they would do and how they go about it different? Third, what is meant by differences in terms of equality and complementarity? Can you give an example? Finally, why might the French say that Americans have superficial friendships, and why would the Americans perhaps find French friendships stifling?

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Essay 10
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Essay 10
Helping a friend in America is not forceful. Among American friends, there is the acknowledgment that the other person can do certain things by themselves or manage their personal issues. Hence, among American friends, one person only provides help if the other person asks for it. In France, the situation is different. Friends in this country tend to take an authoritative approach when it comes to being friendly. For instance, if a French guy notices that his friend is having a hard time after a breakup, he will force an initiative on his friend to make him feel better. This is completely different from how a friend in America would act. He would only call to check up on his friend without necessarily forcing any initiative on him. In America, the circumstances under which help would be provided is only when it is asked for. However, in France, there are no circumstances under which help would be provided. Friends in France take every opportunity to help each other.
Americans support their friends by being there for them and providing them with the needed reassurance. However, in France, friends support their friends, mainly by relieving them of the things that are bothering them. They could do this by helping them take care of their children, taking them out to dance, watch a movie, or going to the countryside. Americans do not take such creative measures. ...
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