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Geography and Zoning

Essay Instructions:

Word limit: 350-600 words per question.

You may double or single-space your answers but please keep to the word limit. You do not need to

include a bibliography. However, all sources should be cited correctly, with a page number for

direct quotes. Here are examples of the type of in-text citation you should include:

• (Levy 2017) → citing an idea from the textbook

• (Class lecture, 9/10/20) → after citing something that I said in class but was not mentioned

anywhere else

**Any essay that does not have its sources cited in-text will suffer an automatic letter-grade


Compare and contrast zoning and eminent domain. How are these tools used to control land

use? How are they similar, and how are they different? Be sure to include a discussion of the legal

justifications for both of these important planning tools, and key evolutions through legislation &

court rulings. Also include a description of the legal requirements for using these tools (i.e., what

laws/legal requirements must local governments observe when using these approaches)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Zoning is the process through which a municipal council exercises control over land development (Levy, 2016). Eminent domain means that the government can cease private property for public use (Levy, 2016). Zoning is used to control land use by creating limits that property owners should not exceed when developing their land. For instance, a landowner should not construct a building if it is close to a water body. Eminent domain is used to control land use by ensuring that every valuable land is used to its maximum benefit. For instance, a property owner with a large tract of unused land can have it taken by the government for public use.
By the provisions of the United States (U.S.) constitution, local and state governments are granted the power to cease private property for public use, hence, eminent domain. However, the constitution only allows this on the co...
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