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Analysis of Inside Job

Essay Instructions:

Pick ANY movie you like and apply the terminology/topics we've learned over the past 7 weeks to that movie in NO fewer than 3 pages. Please also cite any sources you use outside of our class modules

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International Studies
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International Studies
Inside Job is a documentary/crime film that was released in 2010. The film focuses on the financial meltdown that occurred in the United States (U.S.) in 2008. The film is one among many other pictures that have been released in the last decade depicting the events leading to, during, and after the financial crisis. However, Charles Ferguson’s documentary provides a unique perspective as it re-captures the events of the fall of 2008 in the eyes of financial experts, politicians, economists, and ordinary people alike.
Lesson seven was on social class and inequality. As discussed in the lesson, social class was more visible in earlier times when people knew not to mix freely with individuals from a certain social class. Today, however, things are different. The idea of social class is more hidden. It is not pronounced because one can talk to a billionaire freely and vice versa. However, it is obvious that we still exist in a society where people are divided by their material wealth and status.
In the movie Inside Job, the difference between the wealthy, the middle class, and the poor are brought to the fore. It is clear that people from these three social classes do not have the same access to resources, and in the case of the poor, the access is not there at all. When Ferguson is interviewing an individual, who worked as a senior executive at one of the investment banks affected by the 2008 financial crisis, the individual seems unshaken by the happenings of 2008. His composed style and inability to show the slightest emotion that his place in society is already secured are clear. Unlike the millions of hardworking middle classes, he does not feel the pinch of the loss experienced during the financial crisis. He might have invested in several stocks and lost a lot of money. But, in the end, when the government bailed out the collapsing financial institutions, he got a significant compensation that cushioned him from any loss he might have incurred in his investments. As an individual in the wealthy 1%, therefore, his position is still secure. However, the hardworking middle-class fathers or mothers who had invested all their savings have diminished their places on the social ladder. This is how a system of social class and inequality continues to exist to d...
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