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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

answer this questions please:

Why is hard for the Hmong to understand a person taking blood or cutting the body or even touch another person as part of a treatment?

What were the main problems the medical staff at MCMC experienced when attempting to treat Lai?

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Why is hard for the Hmong to understand a person taking blood or cutting the body or even touch another person as part of a treatment?
The Hmong people found it difficult to understand the taking of blood or cutting of the body or even the touching of another person as part of a treatment due to their traditional beliefs. For instance, they believed that every person had a finite amount of blood that could not be replenished. Therefore, the repeated taking of blood would lead to death. They also believed that if a body is cut it will remain in a state of imbalance and the individual will become sick more frequently or be physically incomplete during the next incarnation.
What were the main problems the medical staff at MCMC experienced when attempting to treat Lai?
The main problems the medical staff at MCMC experienced while attempting to treat Lai were mainly of language barrier and miscommunication. Lia was also considered considerably overweight which made it difficult to achieve intravenous access during her seizures.
For each group provide an example of miscommunication (Hmong and...
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