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Comments for the article. Adolescent Students as Media Fictional Characters. Conversations with Youngsters and Schools Throughout Movies and our Lives

Essay Instructions:

 describe they did or didn't well on express their own opinion related to the article. do not use any data and quote. only your own individual opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Adolescent Students as Media Fictional Characters
The article that we read presented very interesting ideas about how modern media affects the global cultural setting through the youth. Adolescents are perhaps one of the most exposed to popular media and the portrayal of adolescents in television and other broadcasts can greatly influence the growing youth. It addresses the problem of the modern generation and how their personalities and behaviours can be influenced by the media. The authors provided their research and data and arranged it into a conducive structure. It was able to let me comprehend the different genres and cultural perspectives affects the psychology and behaviour of the young population. According to the article, the school plays a very big role in shaping the minds of the youth. I think that it was very proper the authors presented various contexts from different cultures. Different Cultures provide the proper understanding and perspectives that one must acquire in order to gain true comprehension. I believe that the article was able to properly emphasize the value of education in forming the intellects of the young generation...
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