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The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile Comparative Essay

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Comparison of Movies: The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile Comparative Essay 

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Comparison of Movies
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Released in 1994, the Shawshank Redemption is a film by Frank Darabont. The story is inspired by a novel of the same name by Stephen King. The Shawshank Redemption sheds light on the life of banker Andy Dufresne who is sentenced to jail for murdering his wife despite his statements that he is innocent. A first-person narrative has been used throughout the movie in order to leave a good impression on the viewers. The use of words like “I” and “we” has been done in the film, which adds value to its overall charm and appeal. It’s safe to say that the first person narrator brings credibility and truthfulness to the story, and it is a good way to connect with the audience. In the Shawshank Redemption, the story flows in a way that the viewers empathize with the narrator and want to help him get out of the uncertain situation, depending on his point of view and situations where he has to deal with other characters of the movie. The banker who is wrongly imprisoned befriends his fellow inmate, Ellis “Red” Redding, and then helps the warden of the jail cover up his money laundering operations. The original source material was written in the first-person, and it was used as such in the movie. Director and writer Frank Darabont told in an interview that the narrative gave him pause when he was busy with writing the script. However, the personal touch was important in order to get the viewers fully involve...
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