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Social justice/equity or ethical issue

Essay Instructions:

For this Journal, you will utilize FlipGrid, a free online video discussion board: https://flipgrid(dot)com/216851c6.

Choose a current social justice/equity and or ethical issue in healthcare. Present both sides of the issue; this means you may have to research the viewpoint that is different from yours. Why? A leader must know both sides to adequately be able to make a point. It is a part of being prepared for a professional discussion/debate. A person reading your work should not be able to tell what your opinion of the issue is.

Potential Topics: Illegal immigrants and pregnancy, vaccinations, health care of, LGBT issues, abortion, welfare system

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Abortion: Social Justice/Equity or Ethical Issue
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Pregnancy is a sign of the continuation of life on the surface of the earth. It is like a bolt of lightning that struck unexpectedly but left a beautiful mark on its capturers. In some cases, people view pregnancy as a miracle, but oftentimes, pregnancy serves as an unacceptable occurrence in life. Here enters the abortion phase, where people have the choice to accept or abort an unforeseen pregnancy. This paper will express various studies regarding abortion, one of the most common debate topics in the medical field, from two different perspectives, pro-life and pro-choice.
Right to Live
Deixel (2018) defined the believers of the pro-life movement as individuals that views abortion as another form of murder. They mostly focus on the moral life of the unborn child and its right to live. This means that pro-lifers see abortion from a negative perspective and should not be reconsidered during pregnancy. They refer to pregnancy as a life given and should be of importance, despite the circumstances of how the pregnancy was made or in what financial situation are the parents in. These supporters strengthen their stand by presenting the moral rights of every unborn child during the whole term of pregnancy. While Simkulet (2019) also supported this claim which argues that pro-lifers reject the idea of abortion and pursue the stand of letting the pre-born child live and breathe. He also added that pro-lifers arguably emphasize the difference between intentional killing and accidental loss of pre-born babies. That if pro-lifers were to choose between the two, the miscarriage or accidental loss of the unborn child would be chosen since it was not intentional and the parents were thinking of raising the child per their rights to live. This integrates that the pro-life movements are solely focused on the moral judgment of life and t...
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